What a embarrassing “men”.

19  2018-06-16 by RBuddCumia


Why would a man in his 40s know what skyrim is or even care?

Because our society coddles and rewards man-children?

I wonder if there’s a sub that does that...?

It’s all of Reddit.

Oh you’re so close buddy...all of Reddit, including...??


High five buddy.


What's wrong with playing video games after 40?

What an embarrassing post title.

I’m really tired.

That's no excuse, idiot.

“Didn’t have my coffee yet lolz”

Just admit the title is retarded dipshit.

I accidentally tried to type it with my garage door opener.

Good save.

Anthony was still employed when that Macho Man Skyrim vid came out.

I don't understand any of those sentences.

Stupid Elder Scrolls mods trigger my autism


i am very happy that i have no fucking idea what these grown man baby bitch boys are attempting to discuss. wow. it's reallly gotten embarrassing over there.

Top tier compound media talent, everyone

Elder Scrolls is what Ant does on Twitter.

Rie aid?!?!?