What's this about Chris hardwick?

1  2018-06-16 by Joyce_dewitt_hair


I honestly have no idea who he is and his affiliation with O&A but I'm too embarrassed to ask.

He called his ex-girlfriend a faggot and she's mad about it

some pro-women rights beta fag got caught raping again

No he's tricking you. He hates rapers but is a rapist!

whatever some needs to rape these sjws to knock them back into reality

He's adorably cheeky.

Chris Hardwick is a gay who pretends to be a nerd to get work. He rapes and abuses starfish and fatties. He once interviewed Jim Norton. Jim Norton got angry because he's to weak to rape.

Unless they're passed out. I looked for that Yimmy clip, but couldn't find it. I'd love to hear him smash Hardwick.

Chris Hardwick is a rapist. Infowars.com.

I hear he had a girl friend who used to fuck him, even if she wasn't in the mood.

Can you imagine?

Rapist.. burn him.

Fuck #metoo

This cunt cheated on him, but she's the victim. lulz

He raped and liked it

He raped his girlfriend in a starfish aquarium whilst calling her a faggot over and over again. Apparently it messed with her self confidence or something.

It's called google, use it sometime

Is he a rapity raper?