MacGruber is one of the funniest movies in the last ten years

0  2018-06-16 by crookedmile

It is. Took me about 5 watches to get it


This guy's a riot

How many times do I have to read your posts before they become funny?

5 times


Also funniest movie is disaster artist. Because it's hilarious when you realize it's just a bunch of rich Hollywood types poking fun at an immigrant.

Sure thing, Sam. It's not just Ed Wood for hipsters at all.


you just like Bruno because Vic is in it. admit it.


Vic Henley is in Bruno...Opie's southern meat truck salesman/comedian/mc.

I was going for something brotherman...

Love Macgruber but I think Hot Rod and Pop Star were funnier. Plus were Step Brotherrs and Taladega Nights in the past 10 years?

Step Brothers was, Taladega Nights wasn't (and it fucking sucked). Hot Rod was about on par with Macgruber.

Pop Star was awesome.

Taladega Nights sucked? Die

No, you die

Fine bitch


MacGruber is actually pretty fun.


5 times