Tranthony paid a lot of $ to fuck this

5  2018-06-16 by HitWithTheWOWeffect


Nah he's just friends with this fella

A purely normal platonic friendship with a tranny teenager, nothing weird going on whatsoever and- wait you only have 1 follower? FUCKING OBSCURITY AH HA HA HA

You got nothing, loser! I have 62 subscribers to my network!!

'Thing'? Sir we are reddits most trans friendly Subreddit. Please tone it down.

It's only gay if the boipucci isn't fem enough, bro.

Meh, I've fucked women who aren't as cute as sue lightning before, never paid tho.

Lucky Chloe is trash tier although a fun character to play as to annoy the fuck out of people.

jeondding makes her work

I main her.

one of you fags play me i have no friends. im on ps4, come catch these wavedash electrics

He's going to look great in his 40s.

Fear the shelf life is a wee short on this creep.. I don't get the attraction, even if it didn't have a wee wiener.

Lucky Chloe got me 2nd place in a major tournament lady year. Good girl