Reminder: Chris Hardwick gets blown BEFORE The Talking Dead.

21  2018-06-15 by InHell1980

Seriously, whats the take on this sub about this whole mishegoss? Are you glad that he's going down, or is what he said just hilarious?



Get out, now!

sorry forgot these ((()))

To answer your question I'm both glad and not because you are no longer innocent until proven guilty in this faggot world.

Shalom, nazi man

On one hand he was just being a dude.

On the other hand, enablers get what's coming to them.

Just being a dude


Beat it cunt.

I mean if that's what you think a normal man is like, you do you

Normality is an artificial & racist societal construct. Get woke my nigga.

No Chris, noooo. I just want to talk in elevator.


His stand up sucked, he could occasionally sprput out a funny line but so could Opie and now he is a rapist. Fuck him. He was over here now, but now he's over there now. /u/chrishardwick ya hear?