Jesus Christ

65  2018-06-15 by RBuddCumia


It's a fucking mentally ill woman. Why do we treat these people with kid gloves. God damn.

its the only way to lead them into the incinerator

Where is the link to this actual story?

I can't find it. Quit being boomers and verify screen caps before getting enraged

Kid gloves wrapped over brass knucks, ideally

Tss yeah tss I wish those kids gloves was holdin a fawkin shotgun or sumthin tsss

Mental Illness is the new hotness.

All the reddit idiots talking about increased need for mental health resources for depression and suicidal ideations while applauding people like this for bravery.

Because jew

You asked for jew beefers and jew beefers you got

Nice lopped off titties, stupid.

I'm sure this kid won't grow up with really weird psychological issues or anything.

The bright side is that all these kids will grow up to kill their parents and then themselves


Well worth the effort.

“I’ve been found out”



Kid's still better of than Joe Cumia's daughter.

Nice phonetic and douchey hipster way of spelling your name, stupid.

There's no Jesus here

I bet she hangs out at gyms and sports bars trying to fit in

"hello fellow man, don't you just love having reproductive organs on the outside of your body? Me too! And that hometown sports franchise right?"

Did you see that pass? What a pass!

It went right in!

How the fuck do you get away with a scientifically impossible statement like "He gave birth" as your headline


The last days of Rome.

Well at least the parents can’t get divorced, although there’s a staggeringly high chance that they’ll both commit suicide within a few years.

Probably the best possible outcome as far as the kid is concerned.

Ant was literally just bitching about the lack of FTM transexuals in the media, because the left has an agenda of emasculation. Ant is a wetbrain hasbeen.

I wouldn't describe this as masculine. Just like I wouldn't describe Bruce Jenner as feminine.

I'm never gonna be all in with the normalization of mental illness.

What is this sub if not a place for the mentally ill to feel normal?

We're alcoholics and racists, not fags.

Do you really believe we're not fags?

I'm.. I'm still struggling internally with that, thank you very much :(

I think he was talking about parents who let their young children transition. It's almost always boys who become girls.

Weimarica. Clown country. See (((them))) yet?


Maybe Hitler had a point.


The most frequent “like” reactions are either people laughing or angry.

See what happens when you don't let kids bully the weird ones?

Feminine men become women and stay feminine. Women become men and stay feminine. Let's just call it like it is - there are two genders: men and everything else.

I pray that one day there will be an extreme backlash to the horrific faggotry of the last 10 years.

The day is coming, brother.

The day of rope


::::::: Horst-Wessel-Lied begins to play :::::::::


Remember - these are the people who think that not buying in 100% on everything regarding climate change means you are anti-science. Even if you are a scientist with another opinion. They refer to mutilated women as “he” because they say so. Party of science, folks.

Fucker stole Opie's bit.

"Wanna suck on 'em?"

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war." - Joseph Goebbels

Rest in peace, sweet prince...


How was no one posted the picture yet of the Shadow King watching this father and son play?

Big A's transistion is going well

Judging by the look of the fattie on the couch I am going to say that's a man dressied as a woman. Probably the father of the kid. So essentially you have a man and a woman who decided that, thanks to the fucked world the faggot liberals have made, they want to swap roles and body parts. Hopefully they suicide like a lot of these mentally ill fucks do and the kid is adopted by normal people.

Jesus fucking christ that's more offensive than the article. What a fucking pig that thing is.

lmao you nailed it dude, the likeness is exact, even the "just out of focus" horror of it looming is there.


Y'know, as fat as Bob Kelly is, he just looks like a giant fat baby. He's absolutely ridiculous looking, of course. But at least he doesn't look as villainous as this monster. Fuck me, that is horrifying. Nature's way of telling you to stay far away from that planetary psycho.

good fucking god. what an abomination that we play into its mental illness. that kid should be removed immediately.

Give it a few years and that kid will have 'gender issues' and a new lady boy will be born for Count Wopula of Long Island.

Why is the left so hell bent on destroying the traditional nuclear family?

Two reasons. But first, by the “left” you need to actually mean “Jews.” Jews have historically been an extremely persecuted people; over their recorded history, they have been run out of over 100 countries. So, the more diverse a society is, the safer they feel; if a society is diverse, the likelyhood of running of Jews is low. Second, Jews are sociopathic supremecists - their culture teaches them that they are the “chosen people of God,” and that everyone else (“goyim”) are their cattle, made by God to serve Jews. In order for them to bring about this genocidal nightmare, the Jews must undermine competing - ie white - culture so that the goy may be easily enslaved.

TL;DR: Because Jews.

this chick has a dick and whitey’s on the moon.

If these people want to be the other sex they should have their reproductive organs destroyed. Its not unreasonable, especially given they supposedly dont "identify" with their own genitals anyway

Jewish reporters in the media love these kinds of non-traditional gender and cultural roles, but when it comes to them & their heritage, everything is tradition tradition tradition.

Jews are the only people that are allowed to openly advocate for an ethnostate and demand racial purity (their ethnicity/culture/religion forbids intermarriage). Everyone else is expected to live in a diversity dystopic nightmare.

Also it's antisemitic to imply they can be Jewish suprecimists, even though their book literally says they're Chosen by God and are entitled to other's land. But that aside, it's really Whites that are privileged and suprecimists.

And by "everyone else" you mean White people.

DeRosa could benefit from some of...whatever this is.

Can you imagine sucking on your dad's tit?

I'm imagining a highly comedic smash cut to this m a n l y speciment sobbing in a fetal position while the shower runs for 2 hours because their innocent child asks them "daddy who cut your boobies off??" shortly after they learn to talk

why she name herself like a pornstar? I know that’s not it’s real name

The Transgender is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a tranny, shemale, freak, faggot, it all runs off it like water off a raincoat. But call it by its biological gender and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Did cavemen go through this? I mean, were there cave men that wanted to be a woman but just couldn't express it is is this a new phenomenon and it's o ky possible because if modern technology?

Did cavemen go through this? I mean, were there cave men that wanted to be a woman but just couldn't express it and this is a new phenomenon and it's only possible because of modern technology?

Anthony's new girlfriend

This isn't the The_Donald. Fuck off with this shit.

I’m not a Trump supporter not even a republican but this is bullshit. That shouldn’t be a partisan point.

I wouldn't normally say this, but Islam taking over the western world may not be such a bad thing...

They're always white

Kid never stood a chance.

The day is coming, brother.

We're alcoholics and racists, not fags.

The day of rope


::::::: Horst-Wessel-Lied begins to play :::::::::
