Comedian killed while walking home after gig, sparking outrage

1  2018-06-15 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


What's the outrage here? The people shouldn't be raping and murdering? Society agrees, that is why those things are illegal.

Did you see her picture? Shes a feminist "comedian"

Those types will be on every media they can talking about how theyre being hunted down to silence their important work.

This will fuel them for at least a year

Dude it's a heinous crime why do you have to make everything about your bullshit politics? I'd think you'd support her because she's white but what do i know

Yeah, what do you know?

Twitter is actively oppressing white people, that's for certain

Shut up cunt

Im sick of your fat cunt yapping. DONT COMMENT. IGNORE THE POST

Why dont you fucking ignore me or whatever so i can trash you in peace

Why dont you lose weight?

Theres no way a woman who comes here isnt fat, crazy or both

You got me there.

Easy easy

Hey your losing your touch sweety bash the dead bitch 💀 and get your groove back stella

Shes ugly but i cant stand this white boy I'm so conflicted rn

Still calling the pretty girls 'ugly' in true middle school clique fashion. Jealous cunt

You need to schedule an eye exam asap

Bams cute I seen a pic of her face

She's Australian white, so it doesn't really count.

the outrage is why rape someone so ugly? ew

even when she was "killing" she needed a man

What's the color of the gentleman that killed her? That's a start at least.

Don't give the police any info to go on. It's what she would have wanted.

Would it have been an Abo or something? I thought they just got drunk off of rubbing alcohol all day

They're blurring out the killer's face because Aussies are apparently faggots, but news reports say it's a white, autistic (literally) 19-year-old.

Doesn't mean they can't cave a hipster's head in with a didgeridoo.

Fat autistic white guy with rosy cheeks, a terrible beard and a black rectangular bar over his eyes, according to google images.

By the looks of her surprised it wasn't the town's people with torches and pitchforks

Yeah pretty sure that's a dude

Too bad she couldn't do that IN the club.

"allegedly raped and murdered" wouldn't they be able to confirm that?

Her cunt and ass were gaping wide open they couldnt tell if it was rape or she was just a woman of lower stock

Innocent until proven guilty.


This chick isn't even fuckable never mind rapeable. Fucking prison colonists will throw a didgeridoo into anything

I think the rapist was an Abbo.

The argument is that this is a men's issue. You see, all us men should be collectively responsible for ensuring that independent, empowered women with agency are not individually responsible for ensuring they're not in a position to be raped and murdered by a boonga in a park in the early hours of the morning. Who would have thought that schizos might be lurking in parks in the early hours of the morning?

Did you see her picture? Shes a feminist "comedian"

Those types will be on every media they can talking about how theyre being hunted down to silence their important work.

This will fuel them for at least a year

Why dont you fucking ignore me or whatever so i can trash you in peace

the outrage is why rape someone so ugly? ew