Nice gimmick, faggot.

31  2018-06-15 by RapistWithHIV



Wait, like oral sex? Get outta town.

“I fucked a post-op tranny in an alley! LAUGH AT ME, DAMN IT!”


Jim Norton will be performing behind the Winkie's off Mulholland Dr.

I wish I could upvote that a million times.

I had dream it was just like this but i was scared because i ran out of tokens for the viking i was dating.


But Jonathan Bran Muffins has to pay the bill first and walk an ugly Seth Rogers to the back alley for a frothy rogering.

He thinks he's being cheeky.

"Get it? Because I like trannies but I'm not full on gay."

Unfortunately, everyone knows he's 100% 'mo. So it might as well be this guy doing it, so it's just hacky and awful.

And he wonders why he can't find a nice girl.

Actually he knows this doesn't help, but don't keep doing it!

Get it, because he's implying he sucks lots of dicks. Just like a fag.

Okay seriously what's with this photoshoot?

Seriously though, how long has he been running the same schtick? I feel like it's been almost 20 yeas.

I was an inncocent 10th grader when me and my friends listened to ona on wnew and jim norton was well onto his bucket of aids and weird gay shit even back then.

Im now already divorced, in my late 30's, behind on my mortgage, have a shitty kid i never see and owe more in late taxes that i care to admit. So to say the innocence is gone would be an understatement but thankfully Jim Norton still has the same schtick.

Yeah.. we get it.. you suck dick.. you drink piss and eat shit... you are a deep dark sexual deviant..

How can you build an entire career based on one premise?

To be fair, Mouth Full of Shame was ok..

He's standup was always shit, but he was often funny and quick as 3rd mic.

Little faggot got lost.

Western culture caught up with Yimmy's "act." Nowadays, a 70-something year-old single poz'd man declaring his pansexuality and admitting to a taste for piss is just another footnote in the rise of Weimerica - no one blinks an eye.

Good point.. as sad as it may be.

Nothing's Shocking.

Good point.. as sad as it may be.

Nothing's Shocking.