Remember that time Jimmy bitched about Hardwick on the air and Chris came here to apologize, and then Jimmy got mad at the sub?

57  2018-06-15 by BoboOrbani55


Reading the replies to him, are we sure the recent influx of faggotry here is something new?

Faggotry moves in waves, in moves in out, we can't explain that

Look in the mirror dipshit. You've been a faggot all along.

Awe Chris! I felt so bad.

Ugh why do you have to be so likeable! Now I feel embarrassed.

Knew nothing about Chris Hardwick before this, now I want to elect him as a public official of some sort.

Christ we're insufferable

Nothing makes a man a faggot quicker than when a celebrity responds to criticism unexpectedly

Fuck he destroyed your civilian ass with that baby boy comment

I couldn't see what his shirt looked like so I had nothing to fall back on.

If you REALLY want to see what an insufferable faggot is, here's Chris defending himself against me trashing him two years ago:

I'm such a gigantic faggot. But it is funny that the joke I was criticizing is him criticizing celebrities for whining about their haters.

Damn homie you got Chris Hardwick and Wil Wheaton to defend themselves. I hope to one day write a reddit post so angering it causes two D-List celebrities to respond to it.

God i love this me too shit because its mostly these wheat thin loving feminist guys. If judd apatow gets taken down i might just cum

What the fuck is wrong with wheat thins?

I fucking love Wheat Thins.

They sound gay

u/Dagidugidai comment?

I'm a massive gay fag

And knowing is half the battle!

No, it's the whole battle, they just want you to think it's half

The degeneration of this sub brings a tear of joy to my eye

This sub was full of a bunch of fags, anyone with anything funny or honest to saw was down voted to obscurity.

There used to be people here who would actually defend Opie. I’ve wasted many years here

Yes. You are. This is what I've been to explain to you.

I should kill myself

Chris guess what

Chris never answered, what do you suppose that guy was gonna say?

I don't understand why we don't get the big celebrities stopping by anymore. Too big for the sub I guess. sniff

I miss Knickers too.



/u/therealjimnorton deleted all the submissions he did here

/u/ChrisHardwick do you be rapin?

Can't stop, won't stop. He carries a wire-coathanger as a sadistic goodbye.


It's called Starfishing. (Jesus christ at least try and be clever Hardrape)

we really where a bunch of faggots 4 years ago, huh?

I wish I didn't panic and delete the post, what a shameful idiot I am

I wish he had raped Jimmy.

So does Jimmy

He's probably still posting here right now. Look out for someone saying faggot and making rape jokes.

Great, we narrowed it down to the whole sub.



I thought chris hardwick was thor from avengers. Who the fuck is this guy

nerdy comic

i thought he was okay

This place really was a coven of faggotry back in the day. Now the hosts are afraid to admit they even read the site (Don't worry, we know you narcissistic cunts still do.)

Nope, I'm not that invested.

Faggot. Don’t try to act like your “above” our nonsense.

I fucking love Wheat Thins.

They sound gay