Chris Hardwick's ex that is accusing him.

27  2018-06-15 by BoboOrbani55


Big beautiful Jewish hangers

You can't even tame a Jew no more without being accused of rape.

Innocent until proven guilty is far gone.

Guilty of what anyway?

He sold the company a while ago

Shut up, faggot.

Then why are you surprised idiot?

Iโ€™m not, stupid.

Haha ya you were, you couldnโ€™t believe it. Moron

I was referring to how quickly someone gets disappeared, STUPID.

But he sold the company. DUMMY

Wanked over those after I saw her pop up on a YT channel I used to watch religiously called Inside Gaming. Damn those motherfuckers were some funny muuugs

What the fuck

Were they

Maybe wouldn't hold up if I went back to it today. Moved to a different channel and lost the edge a bit over time so I lost interest. Certainly not recommending you go back and check them out but I loffed

Oh man, sounds like a great time. I love hearing memories of times you watched youtube channels.

Really? I sort of felt like I was talking to myself there hehe, want to hear some more?


You don't get to diagnose yourself with anorexia if you have big titties. I would have bullied the fuck out of her on the ED unit if she even qualified for admission ๐Ÿท

You should get implants, Bam, you'd look SOOOO good! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Yeah but then I'd have to buy size M shirts and I'd relapse or kill myself

Is it just me or do black women generally prefer crack cocaine instead of dieting

In general, yeah but I'm classy

So, just cocaine then?

I don't know. A colored lady being obnoxious and bullying people sounds kinda far fetched.

Especially a woman that is better looking? That sounds far fetched

Bitch got permanent just sniffed the cat's litterbox face

Ironic for a bitch so low in self esteem she got abused by the a midget

I beg your pardon?

Chloe Dykstra . Looks like she is better than everyone else , but gets pushed around by her soyboy midget boyfriend

You look like you smell like a cat's litterbox. Let's not say hurtful things.

More girls need to bully these hot chicks into having low self esteerm

your doing the lords work my child

What about their doing the lords work my child?

90% sure those are fake. Silicone survives anorexiaโ€™s bleakest winters.


What the fuck

I know, the fag has a Pirates of the Caribbean poster on his wall...

Jesus Christ. You fags have gotten me to the point where I don't even react to shit like this anymore.

This is the dullest possible offense against my senses.

Jesus wtf

Lmao one of those pics was rather unexpected

Yeah, topless babes without dicks? Book...

Who is this bitch? It's fucking retarded people are getting fired for things years ago with no proof.

I always thought he was a fag. Chick is yummy. Sam Riberts is an unfunny mongoloid.

*Riberts Roberts what the fucks the difference.


yeah she seems crazy

Take the glasses off, stupid

You don't want a dad as crazy as Lenny pissed at you.

He was my favourite pitcher!

Bolt ons?

She's cute.. in that very low self esteem sense.