The weird-looking broad from The Office hates male reviewers for not liking the piece of shit Oceans 8 film she's in. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that it stinks, no...

21  2018-06-15 by TangerineReam


Well maybe if they didnt scare men into asking adderall addicted feminist out on dates people would pay to see those horseshit remakes

He only got caught because real niggas don't shit in the street.

Ever been to Baltimore?

Tsss why not fawkin lakes nine or sumpthin

Only seeing this because im gay for rihanna

ill have you know.. shes not as pretty as a crossdressing man. i got that from a man with exquisite taste who shall remain unnamed for reasons of privycy.

Goddamn though that one music video where she pretends to be a British slag slumming about London with her dyed blonde hair boyfriend, and she's acting all slutty in kebab shops and shit.

But yeah, you know. Sue Lightning cosplays as video game characters. So there's that.

She's very fortunate to have a career in entertainment whatsoever

I would have gotten away with that rape, if it weren't for the white patriarchal nature of judges and lawyers. Stick it to them sister!

This curry-muncher has the body of a refrigerator

I'd fuck her.


She said white males did she not? Fuck this bitch. I'm glad I get all my audiobooks from the library.

Also, white males helped her career out immensely. Judd Apatow gave her her first big break, the white male producers at The Office gave her a job, the majority of execs at Fox gave her her own show. BUT IT'S EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT THOUGH.

Well, Judd Apatow's not white. Neither are half the "white" critics they're complaining about. I love Jewish people, but I'm tired of people complaining about white, when 15 out of the 19 examples they list are Jewish. I know what you mean though. Gregg Daniels hired to write on the Office, and then gave her a part. And anybody I see going anti-white is getting the same ten year boycott I gave Mel Gibson. These dipshits are retarded. White men watched BET and Lifetime more than Spike. As if we give a fuck.

Honest question: what do you consider "white"?

I've listened to every episode of the Champs podcast multiple times. And consistently, Moshe Kasher asks the black guests if they consider Jews white. The guests always say no, although that may be just because they know that's what they he wants to hear. Moshe Kasher also says Jews don't consider themselves to be white. I already knew this to be true, because half my artistic heroes are Jewish. I don't think about these things, except when artists I've loved and supported attack me for being straight and white. A girl I follow on twitter likes to retweet bloggers, and complain about white male critics. I've never said anything, but every person she's retweeted has had a Jewish last name. My point is, she would never attack them for being Jewish straight men. Therefore it's bigoted. I think the white distinction is dumb and racist. Irish and Italians are totally different ethnic groups with different cultures. Ant to act like white men have had everything handed to them is insane. And if the media continues pushing this narrative, it will only lead to people questioning Jewish privilege. I'm sorry, but being able to identify as white in order to lecture me, and then claim minority status whenever you feel like it is gay. Chuck D and Lupe Fiasco have had to apologize for talking about Jews in their rap lyrics, yet every rapper can make songs about killing crackers and robbing Koreans and that's okay. Hey, I love Dead Prez, so I don't give a shit. Unless faggots want to whine.

And half the time a black person says white, it's just code for Jewish. According to every black person I know, Jews owned 45% slaves in America, in addition to bringing them here as slave traders. Most of my black friends are involved in rap music. And they hold bigoted views towards Jewish people. I think it's dumb, because Rick Rubin and Russell Simmons both stole from their artists. And the Jewish people have consistently fought and worked with them.

Two rambling diatribes and you didn’t even come close to answering my question. Nice work.

It was a stupid question, and I did answer it.

You thought it was a "gotcha" question because you're used to being in faux-outrage defensive mode.

I wasn't asking "Are Jews white", you fuckstick. I was asking what you regard as white.

Can you try to actually answer this time?


And I actually assumed you were going to invite me to join your ethnostate. I mean, this is an alt-right sub after all.

When will someone throw acid in her face?

I can see it happening if she tried to get on stage at a Bruce Springsteen concert.

It can't make it any worse.

"And the thing about so much of what this movie is, I think white men, critics would enjoy it, would enjoy my work, but often I think there is a critic who will damn it in a way because they don’t understand it, because they come at it at a different point of view, and they’re so powerful"

How fucking self-important and condescending could you possibly be and still get away with it? She's trying really hard.

So what does she have to say about male films that do poorly? Dumb cunt.

Huh? I thought all films with men are released to critical acclaim. Not one stinker in the bunch

She should go make movies where white men won't review them, like I don't know maybe India

I submit to you that men and women are not the same, they like different things

Yet less women in tech means discrimination. Make up your minds, cunts.

Funny how they don't complain about the lack of women represented on offshore oil rigs or sewage treatment plants. Dishonest cunts.

I do personally think reviewers should be more diverse, to accurately represent audiences but this is a fucking heist movie. What complex issues of race and gender are being articulated in the movie where some bitches steal some money?

to accurately represent audiences

Please explain. I'd rather just have reviewers that understand film, not somebody that panders to biases and predilections. That's actually how you end up getting narrow cycles of stale tropes, stereotypes and styles.

I wish the film industry was about making good films that engage THE audience--not compartmentalised audiences . Stop spoon-feeding these segmented fan groups. I'm plenty fine watching a good movie about an old black lady or Iranian faggots.

She should go back to the street shitting slums she belongs in.

The film is a commercial success, but that's not enough. People also have to pretend to like it. That woman is such an entitled fucking faggot... "More diversity among reviewers" how is that going to be enforced in a fair way?... People are such cunty shitbags.

No that wasn't pointless at all.

This is far and away the most self-awareness that has ever been exhibited on this sub.

Insane queen.

I honestly cannot imagine how bad her puss must smell

She has Bonnie McFarlane Syndrome (no, the other one) where the answer is never "I'M TERRIBLE AT MY JOB" but instead "MEN ARE MEAN & LIFE ISN'T FAIR!"

I used to think you were cool, Kate Blanchett.

She's ugly, unfunny and pisses me off. So of course she is rich, famous and beloved.

Can't someone just use the same algorithm as Rotten Tomatoes, except split it up based on the sex of the reviewer?

Then we would see right away if there were biases if movies consistently had different ratings from male versus female reviewers.

Not a bad idea, really. If they want to play the game of identity politics in movie reviews, then websites like this need to move the goalposts back, insofar as determining a better metric of political and social bias in reviewers. Of course they'll protest, but that's precisely the point.

Funny how they don't complain about the lack of women represented on offshore oil rigs or sewage treatment plants. Dishonest cunts.