Why did Joe even post this? Was it bait to get the sub shut down?

26  2018-06-15 by SpudsCuckley


He wanted to show off the casket and flowers Anthony paid for.

More like the casket and flowers Anthony caused by not loving his mother enough.

They look so happy to see grandma dead.

Everybody was.

Why shouldn't they smile? It's not like somebody fucked with the memorial website, yet.

Fuck off

Oh it's a metaphor. The casket represents Ant's career the kids are just kids they want to fuck.

You think that's what the tablet is about?

She beta testing "COMPOUND FOR KIDS!" a grooming tool and series of games teaching kids to appreciate pock marks and spaghetti.

Mr Nigel Igger was devastated and these ungrateful kids don't even seem slightly upset.

Those are some sickly looking kids. Maybe if they spent less time on their tablets and more time playing outside, they'd be fit enough to run away when that mean Uncle Joey holds them down and forces them to spit in his mouth.

Has Joe taught them the secret to success yet? Figure out which sibling will actually be successful and the non-successful one makes a pact with them to get an allowance.