These are two grown men.

58  2018-06-15 by RBuddCumia


You know Carl's beat his meat to that skunk at least once.

Fucking degenerate furries.

I'm pretty sure I touched myself to Babs Bunny when I was a kid.

Was that a rabbit of the tribe?

It turnt you gay, didn't it boy?

No, but I do fuck rabbits.

You don't have to be a furry to want to fuck Babs Bunny.


I don't want to fuck cartoon characters. I'm just trying to make a point.

Carl, who recently didn’t have electricity because he doesn’t know how to pay bills. He and Opie are two peas in a pod.

I am just a dumb white guy, I don't know how to use da computer!! - William Burr

nice bromance, stupid

One question, which one's Gyllenhaal which one's Ledger? Okay, two you fucking cunts.

WE'RE TWO MEN who are finished growing physically

Man this is gayer than anything 🐜 has ever done. This is gayer than getting piped by a tranny. This is gayer than shooting a gay porno for $7000 when you aren't gay.

Both of their wives have left them.

I've never heard of anyone that talks about seasonal allergies as much as opie

What the fuck is this?

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

You just don't get comedy gold. You never will get it.

You are a grown man who reads and posts their Twitter exchanges here. 40+ other grown men agree that this is noteworthy.

Any new O&A-related instances of lacking self-awareness to report?

Still better than ant and landau