Jim Norton, the equivocation keed!

1  2018-06-14 by AlexanderGrape

Norton's vapid political commentary sounds like the discourse you hear between college freshman in their first government class.

He literally said "why should we talk about the shitty things Kim Jong Un is doing in his country when we've done shitty things too. Japan doesn't bring up when we bombed them or we don't bring up pearl harbor everytime we talk about Japan. it's the same thing."

Goddam Norton is a dunce.


Let's not forget. Jim is a high school drop out.

So am i thats no excuse.

Yet, you are talking about him while he doesn't even know of you. Who do you think won the game of life? Don't answer! My mind is made up already.

He's terrified of having a fucking opinion. Everything he says is carefully crafted middle of the road bullshit

People don’t bring up the bombings in Japan because we rebuilt their entire fucking county after the war — same as we did in Germany and most of Europe. Besides, dies Jimmy have any idea the about atrocities that the Japs inflected on islands like Okinawa? Let alone what they did to our own soldiers? They were basically yellow Nazis.

Fucking drop out faggot.