People smarter and harder than any of you gay-ass nothings

0  2018-06-14 by RoundImage4


That picture screams I'm a manlet faggot who sucks at guitar hero and can't hold a job or a woman.

He'll also suck your dick for a single hot dog.

Maybe that's true, my point still stands.

I know nothing about this photo. Someone tell me if this is from his short stint at Rockstar, and he's trying to show off for having a game early.

what a nice zipper

That's his dildo pocket.

For those of you who aren’t aware - Before he left here Danny finally showed some humility and admitted that he lost at guitar hero fair and square. “Evan was simply better at the game than me” I believe we’re his exact words.

He also admitted that it was completely his fault that he got fired from Rockstar and that Lazlow made the right call.

Did he?


Sir that couldn't possibly be true as he is a sneaky jew and would never cop to anything.

It's not like I don't believe you, but do you have any sources about my man saying that?

It was through DMs on a now deleted account. I wish I would've thought to take screenshots.

I do remember that he opened up quite a lot though (I'm guessing he was very drunk) about different things. As well as admitting that it was his own fault that he got fired from both Sirius and Rockstar, he also said that he actually is a practicing Jew but plays it down since he doesn't want people to keep attacking him for it.

I think he was quite emotional about the whole thing since he used a lot of crying emojis and said he was 'sick of the bullying' on here.

Hope that helps :)

I kinda believe that you believe in what you are saying.

GTA 5 sucked.

You couldn't be more right and yet people downvoted you.

Before you notice how dead and sterile the game world actually is, it's kinda magic, though.

I would put San Andreas and even Vice city way above it.

SA is my personal favorite. It has been downhill since that game.

Loved SA, it was graphically really impressive for it's time too. Beautiful nightly city views. I also appreciated how much they added motion-wise. You could jump, swim and climb. None of the later titles felt like that much of an evolution. And it was huge. Didn't spent that much time with aimless driving and exploring in later titles. Gaming seems to be stuck in the PS2 era, as far as gameplay, not graphics, are concerned. (I might be wrong.)

One surprising moment in GTA V I'll cherish on my death bed: A police officer not able to catch me on foot screaming: "You're so gay!"

His upper lip undoubtedly smells like day old matzah