Opie Lies - Abbamonte Lies Worse

0  2018-06-14 by lolercakesmcgee

Opie finally found someone who lies worse than he does. What a load of horse shit this guy is serving up.


What is an abbomonte?

Lee Abbamonte featured on Opie’s most recent podcast. He’s just such an unbelievable liar.

Oh. I'll wait for the highlights.

Why do the faggots here always assume we all secretly listen to these fucking shitty shows. The last thing I watched or listened to related to this sub was an amazing episode of the people’s court. You are the exception and not the rule retard.

Yet here you are.

I come here to butt fuck men and make fun of retards, and I’m about done making fun of retards for the day.


Doesn't it feel like the life is being sucked out of you while you listen to that garbage?

100%, listening to a bunch of city queens go dude bro day drinking is pretty awful.