All joshing and good-natured ribbing aside: What WHISKEY you fellas (and Bam_Seed) enjoy drinking?

1  2018-06-13 by TangerineReam

Wannabe whiskey fag, just starting out: Everyone seems to know what they're talking about, but then I find out shit that contradicts what they just told me. And no one can tell me how to differentiate between different types of peaty notes in whiskey, or if I'm drinking something peaty at all.

Never had any of the high-end Johnnies but I like Four Roses, Monkey Shoulder, Macallan 18 year, Glenfiddich 18 year, Suntory stuff...but then I'm told I'm a homo for drinking those and that I should just stick to Bourbons(Bulleit, Jack, Jim, Wild Turkey, etc) and throw my purse out....


Stick to JD

I love a good Glenmorangie. You may enjoy this man.

This was good, but what about Irish whiskey?

Glenfiddich is great. If you like the taste of peat, try laphroig.

Whatever is cheap, whiskey all tastes the same.

Macallan 18 is my preference. A more affordable option I like is Angel's Envy.

i like jägermeister

That tastes like cough medicine.

so does my codeine

It's all about dat aftershock, my dude.

Isnt it grapefruit beer season?

people who genuinely enjoy the taste of whiskey and like to talk about it are either boring douchebags or straight up alcoholics

Straight up boring alcoholics

Bulleit. All the hipster fags drink it with diet coke now but it's pretty decent booze

I drink myself to death with Ten High, because I'm not a pretentious faggot about drinking myself to death.

I'm a Jameson guy.

Johnny walker blue.

Since you don't mind spending the money. I wasn't going to suggest it, but you should check out a Midnight Winter Dram. It's cheaper than blue, but it's really good.

Will do

I don't know anything about whiskey but the only one I've ever enjoyed was Jura.

Try some bushmills. Or don't.

If you can afford to drink Macallan 18 IDK why you don't just do that. That gets expensive as fuck if you drink any significant amount though.

Buy a bottle of Islay scotch and you won't have the slightest confusion about what peaty tastes like. All but one of them are really expensive but one distillery - MccLelland's, is reasonable.

  1. Bulleit
  2. Makers
  3. Jamesons

Too poor (with too high of a tolerance) to try anything much pricier than those.

I've only ever had the Whiskey I've mentioned, either because someone else was paying (by the glass), or someone else had it. I certainly don't have the money to purchase any of that. I really want a Johnnie Blue Ghost and Rare, but you gotta pay Johnnie Blue prices for that, or get fleeced by a guy who charges double.

That was just a list of overpriced hipster garbage. Probably drink it with coke zero and mix in a touch of soy milk.

Not even a single ice cube, buster.

unless you drink it straight out the bottle you're a homosexual.

Jim Beam, it's like $12

Bleach you fucking faggot. Just drink your booze and shut up.

My ex-fiance's father gave me a bottle of scotch that was like 300 bucks for christmas one year, you should have seen his face when I told him I drank it out of the bottle a couple of weeks later.

Jameson is a classic and not too expensive

Lagavulin. Tastes of smoke and iodine, which sounds disgusting but isn't.

It got popular because Nick Offerman drinks it, but don't let that put you off.

Four Roses.

Above $20 it all tastes the same.

Tin Cup is surprisingly good. For more of a bourbon try Woodford Reserve.

I don’t enjoy drinking

free alcohol tastes the best

The only correct answer, I'd drink straight grain alcohol if it were free.

Alberta Premium is cheap but it's pretty damn smooth and nice for shots.

Gibson's is my go to do mixing.

knob creek.

See, Knob Creek is a bourbon. I don't really fuck with bourbon's, but is it better than Bulleit at least?

Bulleit is the only way to go