Marv’s first time on stage (any feedback encouraged you filthy animals)

0  2018-06-13 by Laharlstrife


No one gives a shit about your awful bullshit.

Check my work, prove me wrong lol

Shave, diet, haircut.

Bailed at 00:33 on video #1.

I want to be amused, not adopt a pet. Why the fuck would I want to listen anymore to a bore?

PS - I gave you a pass OP and will not downvote/shitpost you on YouTube

Its just the truth Plus its for the kids bro so maybe at least one of em won’t shoot up a school

Go shill you garbage somewhere else.

Why not here? its free. Plus Anthony is a perfect example how racists use that “disproportional crime” thing to convince others that theres something wrong with black people. Prove me wrong. I know how the court system works in this country and i do have a top secret clearance blah blah

go away.

I will, once i stop seeing new comments duh