Gavin McInnes Brags About Fight Over Dog Poop With Man Who Looked 'Kind of Hispanic'

4  2018-06-13 by Leofan7


”I went over to him and I said, ‘You’re going to pick that up, right?’ and he said absolutely nothing. So I thought—he looked kind of Hispanic—I thought maybe he doesn’t speak English. And I said, ‘Let me rephrase’—I was pretty eloquent, I’ve got to say, wait until you hear my final line—I said, ‘Let me rephrase that. You’re going to pick that up,’” McInnes told viewers.”

Gavin tries so hard to seem like the average manly working man but he always exposes himself to be a posh upper class homo

What an absolute lunatic

A Canadian trying hard to run away from his deep rooted sodomism

What is it with people who live in NYC and their insane "we have to protect our shithole" mindset? NYC sucks a dick, just let it burn down.

What is it with NYers getting tarred as “elitist” when half the country wishes us death? You strip mall, Billy Graham faggots think you live in “real America”, but it’s a glorified third world country without NYC.

NYers getting tarred as “elitist” but it’s a glorified third world country without NYC.

Please tell us more how you fucking racist moron fucks aren't elitist.

Ha! No thanks. I think you missed my point—you hayseeds are the elitists.

You didn't have a point.

My point was that it’s somehow acceptable and normal for half the country to literally wish death on a city, but never the other way around, because “elitism”—another phony victim mentality you people conjured up.

Also, I think NYC is a net exporter of smart and interesting people if you look through history, so I have to disagree with you there. But even if I were to grant you that, it sort of makes my point; good people choose to live in good places. “Real” America isn’t about where you were born.

You didn't have a point.

I did, and I just restated it. What was your point again?

I think his point was that it’s actually you with the phony, conjured up sense of being a victim...

Oh, okay, good call. I disagree with that sentiment, but whatever works.

Maybe you get tarred as elitist because you view the rest of the country as “strip mall billy graham faggots” that would be living in a glorified third world country without shitty NYC.

I mean, personally, I wouldn’t label you elitist. Maybe a self important faggot, though.

Everyone I ever met who was actually from there were all a bunch of racist, semi-retarded Derek Jeter lookalike le 56% mongrels. Anthony Cumia level racism is actually low key for them, and like Anthony I'm sure it's to hide the fact that they're all a bunch stinky browns.

Where are you from? Let me generalize, stupidly, about your people, but I would still never root for your town or county to “burn” like you did of NYC. That’s unamerican.

That’s not how I view the rest of the country. It’s how I view about half of the rest of the country, to be clear.

Right Wing Watch huh? I fucking hate this country sometimes.

I guarantee hes making half that story up, he confronted someone and got punched.