Is anyone else having great difficulty finding new episodes of J&S on YouTube?

0  2018-06-13 by DelmonVarn

It used to be doable, I could find multiple channels uploading shows, now the SiriusXM lawyers seem to be routinely deleting shows. Not only has this been happening more regularly I've also noticed that uploaders (some of whom used to be reliable) are now uploading old episodes with new dates. So they might upload the June 4th episode and label it June 11th.

I'm just interested to see whether or not others are having the same difficulty and if anyone has found a way to listen if they're in the UK or elsewhere.



just difficulty finding episodes of J&S that are any good, i jest, just make a free trial for Siriusxm and use the site or app, SiriusXM is going under very slowly, they're struggling to get active users so theyre cracking down to try to get people to actually use their app/website.

What makes you think it's SiriusXM lawyers? You're making the stupid assumption that Opie wants you to.

Because Jim told me via email they sweep YouTube now and then for specific content and delete it all. I'm not assuming anything Opie wants me to, I don't even think about Opie or anything he's doing in obscurity

That's not what the actual uploaders are claiming is happening stupid if you read the tweet.

Ah I get you sorry, that is just one uploader though and I haven't heard similar from unreal etc. No idea why you had to interject the part about Opie when I wasn't even thinking about him you dolt

One free podcast to rule them all. You getting the picture yet?

They need one of us in the wreckage Brothaman

Don't you guys have boring morning zoo shows in the UK you can listen to without all this hassle?

I'd rather listen to Sam solo shows than listen to the milquetoast aids faeces radio we have here


If you have android download the apk of the Sirius app. Free trials. Gmail trick is to put a . in the first part of your e-mail so [email protected] will still go to your email inbox. Then the month after move the . down one letter.

Won't they just realise I'm outside the US though? Or does it not matter?

No drama. Just put fake details other than e mail when you sign up. I think the only stuff that's geoblocked is live sports.

I didn't do that but I downloaded the most recent .apk from a website and I haven't even had to log in. It's let me listen live to J&S interviewing David Cross just now and I have access to the last ten days of episodes. Awesome, thanks man!

Yeah I think there is some sort of free listening period because its a new design of the app.

Fuck I'll have to sign up and get a free trial somehow then

Somehow? Its fucking easy.

I've done it, thanks for the help man. Just wondering, I'm looking on my android phone, where does it download the shows to when you download for offline listening? Like I've downloaded 3 shows but I can't see them in my phones files anywhere

Not tried it on this update but settings then manage downloads should do it. On older versions it stays in the app not on your external players

Oh no I can see that, I was just wondering if I could rip that episodes audio out of the app somehow to keep