When you heard about the verdict in Anthony's trial,

0  2018-06-13 by RoundImage4

was there a part of you which felt a little relieved that he wouldn't be beaten, raped or murdered in prison?


There was no trial he pled guilty

Hey beautiful

"I ain't got no learning."

I’d like to fuck your lifeless body before a pack of feral dogs drag you into the high bush!

The trial comes when Giselle finally seeks justice for tthe horrors she endured in Nana's basement,

Wish you hadn't mentioned her. Missed out on the "Giselle" stuff, now I have to go through a certain well-known mental patient's post history.

I was kinda hoping he'd be raped. Again.

He pled guilty because he was guilty as fuck and didn't want to go to jail.

But according to Ant pleading guilty when he's rich and has the resources to fight it out means he's clearly innocent.

July 2, 2014