Nana wants her Safe-Space free of sissies so she can watch her shows without getting upset

13  2018-06-13 by SwampYankee



Can't the Twitter users just unity and bully him off that platform?


Aside from how ironic his tweet is have you noticed that aside from never being funny anymore he's not even pointed or succinct? He literally is just tweeting like someones dad now. Angry at TV and rambling.

Ant just wants a big masucline man to curl up next to to watch the Honeymooners and bash liberals with. Maybe Joe Sr did plug him.

Wtf is he talking about?! Anthony's world views are molded 1-to-1 from his repressed sexuality.

Yeah, why would Fox News keep an obviously biased person? They need more objective journalists likr Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. What a rube.

"Heh, them darned gays, am I right fellas?" - Closeted sissyboy Cumia.

Also, that tweet sounds like hate speech. You know what to do.

already done but thanks for your contribution sir....have an up-vote!. BTW, scroll down to many of the comments and report those. Some are obvious instant bans

anthony is just jealous Shepard Smith is man enough to be openly gay, while ant is still wrestling with his inner gay demons

This water-brained idiot seems stupider and more confused by the day.

Hey one guy doesn’t go with the dogma of the station it must because he’s gay!

Fire him!

It's amazing how I click these links every time without remembering I'm blocked by that loser.


Shepard Smith's Gay,what's next Sherrod Smalls Black.Holeee shit.Whenever some queer shit happens,Smith gets his panties in a knot.Last time I heard him all pissy the Supreme court ruled for the Baker. He acts like he's the king of shitdick lickers in all of queerville.

The "I hate everyone that I don't agree with 100%" mentality must be exhausting.


Sheppard Smith should clam up.

He's just so bad at trolling libs. You can tell he's got himself convinced that with every one of these dull, instantly forgettable tweets he's got at minimum a few hundred of them out their burned up fuming mad.
