"Like when I tried to BBQ and I was in my apartment and it smelled like, uh, um chemicals because the BBQ, you know, right by the door came right in the house." - Jim Norton

17  2018-06-13 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

I think he had a stroke and didn't tell anyone.


He uses up most of his brain cells too think about sucking cocks and pretending he's not a full blown faggot nowadays.

Hope he has an accident

What chemicals? Wtf

Probably a brand new grill and he was using it for the first time.

Jim doesn't know how to use a grill. He was amazed at one of the comic friends of the show who had a barbeque and asked how he knew "how to do that", i.e. cook food on a grill, as if it was some magic learned process which eludes most people.

He also had to be coached by Troy, Sam, and Travis on how to order food for the staff when he had them to his apartment last year. I'm willing to bet Arrested Development Norton played up his stupidity a little bit, but I'm also prepared to accept that he has no knowledge of how most adult men actually work.

You make a great point. He probably subsists on restaurants and take out. Pretty easy to do in NYC so never learned how to make food.

Kenny had to show him how to use a can opener (this was on air), and Jimmy was honestly amazed that Kenny knew how to do that.

To be fair, wouldn't you be amazed to learn that Kenny doesn't just bash it against the can until it splits open?

I happened to hear this, too. Nothing says summer like barbecued chemicals.

Its like he's a lizard pretending he's human.

REMINDER: He was referencing this story and using it as a metaphor to explain depression. Also, he is 100% in-fucking-sane. Thank you for your time.

he bbqs his dildos..

Probably a brand new grill and he was using it for the first time.