Last Of Us 2 has a lesbian kiss, that (((they're))) trying to shove in the face of the "bigots" who just want to play video games and don't care about this crap one way or the other....thoughts?

4  2018-06-13 by Every1ShouldBKilled


For someone who doesn't care one way or the other you seem pretty hot and heavy about it. Also who gives a shit, gaming's for fucking losers.

Any reason to bash (((them))), right (((SpitItoutSocrates)))?

You should run along and play as many of your faggot games as possible before the kike elite tracks you down and takes away your heterosexuality.

SHALOM, u/SpitItoutSocrates

Who the fuck upvotes you

Shut up gramps. Go fuckin whittle. Its the 21st century.

I'm 24 you fucking idiot. Sorry I'm not a fucking loser like you ant and Danny.

Youre fucking creepy. In your 20s and you dont play 1 game?

Were you raised in an abusive house or do you just ACT like an incest survivor?

GTA. Not online because it would be too embarrassing having people know I actually do that shit.

You're worried about anonymous strangers knowing you play a video game? But you just told us you play it. In your haste to seem badass on the internet you just contradicted yourself.

But they could hear my voice and recognize it. How are you going to recognize me through text you dumb fucking nerd?

You have friends that are "fucking losers" that play video games?

You have friends that are "fucking losers" that play video games?

See how stupid you sound?

Why do they have to be friends to recognize my voice?

See how stupid you sound?

Are you such a narcissistic faggot to think anyone would recognize your voice?

And if so, who that could possibly recognize your voice and is on the same game you are would you be so mortified to have find out you play video games?

You're a fag.


Bitch you probably got that Jurassic Park lego game tho. Shut the fuck up.

Wait, there's a Jurassic Park Lego game?! is it as fun as the Star Wars one?

I’m going to wait to see who Anthony blames it on before I weigh in.

I thought it was forced at first too. Rewatching it I think they just wanted to show off how good their facial capture is same with the gameplay footage they showed that looked really scripted.

And it's not like this is out of left field if I remember right it was pretty implied in the left behind dlc for the first last of us.

Also who gives a turkey

In situations like this I think people are not upset with a lesbian kiss, but with the idea of game developers putting "progressive" concepts in videogames. Not that homosexuality is a progressive thing, but chosing to include it in a videogame (for some) seems like a social/political move.

Either way, complaining about videogames is fucking stupid and people should grow up.

A lot of things aren't written well so homosexual characters come off as forced since the writers were thinking "oh let's have a gay character" which ends up having a characters that's defined by their sexuality instead of just being a fucking person first.

In the first nier there's a character that is gay and a character that is a hermaphrodite. They are excellent characters and those aspects of them are just aspects not their entire being

Tldr: I am a massive faggot

Hey now fella, don't be so hard on yourself. I do agree with what you're saying, it's like in movies when they have a ~GaY bEsT FrIeNd~ rather than a well written gay guy who is in the narrative.

I think my aggression was more focused on people who get mad at this level of inclusion. "FUKN LIBTARD GAYME DEVS PUSHIN FAG SHIT IN GAMES CUCKFAG GAY" ect

You're spot on. I don't give a flying fuck about women or lesbians in games, it's the smug sense of achievement and the faggots online that are "here for it" that irritate the fuck out of me

They always eat their own


Because its a lesbian kiss theyll say its not a real gay kiss because the patriarchy approves of lesbian sex etc etc etc.

Thanks for having a perspective that's somehow even more annoying and delusional than a typical SJW.

Here you go. The very next day theyre eating tbeir own.

You were saying something about "delusional"?

This tweet has nothing to do with your idea of fighting the patriarchy, you delusional idiot. Someone of any political stripe could be against violence. Being against video game violence is usually a conservative ideal.

This is an actual SJW in the video game journalism industry.

What a who gives a fuck thing to care about.

Did you see that girls nose? Sure it's just a coincidence goy.

The Greeks are rather swarthy

Greeks are...

In a year or two (((they))) will just go full blown guy instead of two girls

Video games are for nerds and children.

Press X to tongue her asshole

I get that the SJW pandering is annoying, but is it really that big of a deal?

I'll sperg out with you fellas once they start putting trannies into first person shooters

It shouldn’t be a big deal she kissed a girl in the first game and no one said anything.

Ellie should only kiss women of color. #NotMyLesibanKiss

The people who hate the stereotypical "I'm offended" type sure do like to the same shit, especially when vidya is involved.

As a human laugh track once said: "whatever man, this shit's boring who cares?"

You could change your characters gender on a whim in Saint's Row 2.

You have become what you hate you easily offended faggot.

Sounds like you care quite a bit, you faggot.

I did think it was funny how it looks like they're going to be progressive with her having an Asian boyfriend, but then get extra progressive with the lesbian thing.

Is there any chance they included a lesbian scene to appeal to the socially-awkward horny teenage boys video games are aimed at?

Fan Service, maybe?

Didn't get the hype surrounding this game. The first one was shit...this one will be shit.

Don't care. Doesn't surprise me. Ellie is a good character, as long as they don't let sexuality become the character we're all good.

> don't care about this crap one way or the other

>Makes a thread crying that the mere presence of gay people is "shoving it" in your face.

Pick one.

People who get upset about the absence or inclusion of girls and gay people in video games to the point they spend hours online whining about it should really do society a favor and neck themselves.

The DLC for the last of us had a gay kiss you uninformed boob. This is not news.

You should run along and play as many of your faggot games as possible before the kike elite tracks you down and takes away your heterosexuality.

I'm 24 you fucking idiot. Sorry I'm not a fucking loser like you ant and Danny.

Who the fuck upvotes you

This is an actual SJW in the video game journalism industry.