Over an hour of hacks complaining about minorities today

18  2018-06-13 by greeneyedunicorn2


I'm genuinely curious what Erock has to say, but Ant has him on with two other guys that never shut up, and Jimmy had Erock on a packed episode of the Chip Podacast. A waste.

Pretty cool, huh?

I like his slavic tracksuit

I was bummed they killed him off on Barry.

Cool NoFx shirt brah.

This embarrassed me I grew up listening to nofx. I know grown ups that look like this

God the fucking front hair spike to compliment it no less.

You know things are fucked when Erik Nagel is the most respectable one in the room

dude i cant stand of shit about certain people like the next person but continuously "calling people on their shit" for hours is so mind numbingly stupid and counter-productive.

continuously "calling people on their shit" for hours is so mind numbingly stupid and counter-productive.

literally all that this sub does, 24/7

As I was typing that I realized that but I didnt decide to get myself fired for tweeting out retarded shit. To only limiting myself to just talking about that for the rest of my career

woah...wasn't expecting actual self-awareness.

Owen Benjamin is an admitted bisexual and probably a disgusting child rapist. Look into it, fellas.

True if huge. Guy always seem like a filthy rapist when he was here raping children. Two star.

He has an imdb credit as the key grip on Daisy's Destruction.

Holy shit! The sick fuck.

Some would say unbearable.

This was yesterday. And the first hour with Owen was pretty good. Erock said 25 words max.

Wow, someone had pointed out that Anthony uses a filter when there's any close-ups on him, but I had no idea it was so obvious. Why bother with this format, that pube hair, the new teeth or the cosmetic surgery, you dunce?

Erock didn't even try to talk, he's gotta get in there with his opinion.. too many years as a isolated producer chub.

Owen leaves at 1:15 and that fat Nagel kid gets the last 45 w/o interruption.

People pay $10 a month listen to Anthony complain about niggers and spics? I should live streaming the local Pollock bar I go to. I could put it behind a paywall.

That first welfare check is going to shatter Benjamin's sense of self.

Piano parody song hack + right wing/alt right religious fanbase = I can't believe he's only quarter Jew.

E-rock looks like Landau's fatter, older brother. This podcast is nothing but Ant getting people on so he can say "That's sooooooo true!" in response to everything they say while whatever no-name he has as his Ed McMahon slowly slips into depression.

This was actually pretty funny.

Trucker confirmed

Minutes 16-32ish were actually funny. I’m as shocked as the next guy. The 3rd dude is pretty good.

People only like EROCK bc this sub is only able to empathize with fat fuck losers.