Chippy slays 914/1652

31  2018-06-12 by Suibu


Hey look everyone this slut wants to fuck me

"daddy". She's either a prostitute, wigger, or both.

In fairness every sub-20 undesirable on my Snapchat calls me that. Blame it on those faggots that preach sexual liberation etc. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing women that it's feminist to suck cock like it's going out of fashion

And this is bad because…? I personally like that it’s not a struggle to get a blowjob from the ‘girl next door’ like I imagine it was for men back in the 1950’s.

Pros and cons. I'm literally getting bored of fucking and nudes/dirty talk etc before I'm even out of my 20s. Feels like playing a game with unlimited respawns, pointless

^ sad but true. The hunt used to be fun.

And yet, apparently Millennials are having less sex then every generation before them.

We should nurture this belief, instead of pushing towards the /r/gendercritical crowd.

Got dozens of college hoes organically calling a nigga daddy like it's my fucking name, without even trying. Thank you silicon valley satanists for inventing these apps and completely taking the mystique away from women.

Bad, worse, worst.

good, awful, who cares

Lol no, that's a spam account.

Daddy like.

Daddy bomb.

Charge your phone. And then drop it on the sidewalk so the screen shatters.

OMG if Chip on Tinder becomes a widespread thing... lol

Daddy liiiiike