This is so terrible. I swear he’s trolling us.

13  2018-06-12 by RBuddCumia


Nice list of fake special thanks sorted by first name, stupid.

That makes shitty Cokelogic's animation look...well...just a tiny bit less shitty.

The other day Jim said he loved Cokelogic but he was working on his own schedule, and that he would pay anyone else to do animations for him. Not much, but he does have money for it. I think it was yesterday.

I almost feel bad for the chick, fake laughing has to get exhausting after a while

Just ask Anthony.

Did he REALLY just recycle that shit from Lauren?

I think youre right. Something does feel off about it. Why the fuck do we still talk about these people when theyve betrayed us on all fronts? All i know is ill continue to anyway bc im retarded like that.

You are right. This was all Lauren, which I think they read when Colin did the podcast and he added some funny. To remake this, Cristina had to re-record Lauren fumbling over lines. As if this was a classic to begin with.

Daniel blows

ill pretend im back in school and give this an objective breakdown:

its just all curse words. crass perverted situations. 3 minutes of air that goes nowhere. im not rooting for any characters. didnt bother cleaning the audio up.

i mean okay, if its taken from the podcast and youre just goofing around you want to animate it as a goof, fine. its just so awful. i dunno what else to say really. youre selling naughty words and perversion. made by a 12 year old.

he should really just watch some fucking cartoons or read some books otherwise hes only entertaining himself with this and it should go straight into the garbage pile.

you know what this character sounds like? 'is that all you have for sale? no. i have other lawn chairs.'

while im at it lemme drop this here: BIG LEZ

3 or 4 kids from australia made this cartoon. strictly made out of ms paint. ms fucking paint.

give their season four on youtube a shot for a palette cleanser.

Jim has said multiple times that he hates cartoons.

Better rush out and make one then...

Watching this made me feel shame

He should be edgy and use fuck more

This is terrible

They could've at least attempted to mute Sam's hyena laugh.

My mom accidentally heard me listening to this. Thanks

In all seriousness, does anyone find the Chip character even funny?

In small doses, when he popped up at random times.