Compound Media Rebranding Proposition (1/-)

27  2018-06-12 by RoundImage4


Not enough tranny penis

Anything is better than the garbage that Steve Torelli faggot animates for that "network". Which Reddit username is he hiding under? He must be a mod at the ballwashing r/TACN sub.

This sounds personal...Do tell!

You a fan of his work?

No clue who or what he is—I was banned to obscurity from that sub back during the Obama administration while I was still paying for The Anthony Cumia Network (before its forced rebranding) i’m ashamed to admit. I was just feeling gossipy, and am always down to hear about the depths Compound Media has sunken to.

I wonder how many users they've sent to obscurity for criticizing those unwatchable shows.

Gay... fuckin shit...

CM would be blessed to have Tyler on their team, but Keith never called him, even though he’s out of the east coast...

Nice Norm Macdonald rip off, stupid