Reminder: Opie "hired a shaman", to help deal with all the people that he gave a great life to, who then stabbed him in the back...

46  2018-06-12 by TangerineReam

The shaman senses a lot of negative energy: Not from Opie, but from Opie's enemies....

I can't possibly hate Opie more than I do now, but if I could give my two cents gang; it doesn't sound like this shaman is very good at his job. Sounds like a real chowderhead, if you ask me.


This was The Shamen he paid, the titted goon.


You don't believe that Gregg Hughes who, like an angel, reached down from Heaven and by his benevolent hand bestowed every person who ever worked with him a sustaining, enriching career, is not solely responsible for their blessed lives?

Remember when that fan brought him poker chips and he graciously and humbly accepted the gift?

Remember when he would get bottles of wine gifted to him and just drink it regardless of what arbitrary price a website said it was worth?

Remember when everyone would be subtly making fun of a guest and Opie would resist the urge to pipe up with a crass and/or mean spirited comment?

All proof of his angelic innocence.

A lot of problems in that room, but not Opie.

I love that the goddamn dope, who spends what's left of his elderly years pretending to be a frat bro a third his age, thought the slickest way to respond to all of his "friends" and co-workers of decades bashing him was argue they were actually miserable because "a wizard told me so".

It’s bizarre to think that even with how unaware Opie is, he’s willingly paying someone money to just tell him what he wants to hear.... so that he’ll feel better about his pending divorce/lack of friends/tits etc etc etc and spend more money for further words of wisdom. It’s self indulgence at its finest. We should be applauding.

Isn't that what he pays Carl and Vic for? He has to pay people be around him and think he is actually tolerable.

Wasn’t it his occasional wife who found and organised a shaman to visit him? Because he’s mental is the head?

Imagine being his therapist.

"So you took a video if this Roland fella in the restroom sitting on a toilet doing his business and showed it to other people and laughed about it and thats why you got fired, but youre sayin this Roland is the real asshole?"

Did the Shaman give him a Jackass DVD?

Don't forget Opie THINKS he did heroin with the shamman as well.

I hope he gets strung out on herr-on until he’s broke and has to suck dick for Shamman money

Staying on brand, he’s dumb enough to immediately think white powder given to him by a South American medicineman would be heroin. But then again the brothaman did A LOT of coke in college, so he knows what that shit smells like.

Yeah I don't know why he said heroin and descibed the effects of coacaine.

Because he didn’t have D.A.R.E. in the early 70s. Plus he must of been in a Ballast Point Grapefruit beer stupor since his career ended.

The opster did some heroin. Just a lil' sniff

No, he thinks he may have done "hurr-o-winn"

Too bad it wasn't fentanyl. He would be dead and the bs over.

Did they do any illegal drugs together???

Did he get a Yule log from Opie?

The luscious breasted fool

I disagree on the "chowdahead" remark. This shaman found a nice mark and milked Opie good.

As opposed to his cohosts, who hired a sheman.

Knowing Opie, the shaman did indicate that Opie had negative energy, but he's too dense/in denial to realize it.

what the fuck is a "shaman" in 2018? just....some faggot?

Yup, just like every other previous year.

it doesn't sound like this shaman is very good at his job.

His job is to remove dolts from their cash, and he's vury good at it.

I don't think the residents association at his complex would be thrilled to learn that someone is bringing a heroin selling shaman into the building. I hope they never find out.

So Opie is Gavin Belson now

He probably hired some new age bitch who uses crystals and plays Yani. He's lying trying to get people to believe he saw some shaman in South America and drank ayawaska.