Could You Imagine Falling Asleep Without TV Running in the Background?

78  2018-06-12 by RoundImage4


I could never fall asleep to the voices of people hired and put on display by (((them)))

You devilish puppet master, you.

You mean sleeping guilt-free and content?

No because I didn't suffer sexual abuse from my father to the point where I am petrified of being left alone with just my thoughts.

His dad was Saddam?

There is a picture of Joe Sr. in his later years where he looks a lot like Saddam or one of his henchmen.

thats a big bulge!

Saddam was hung like a can of Pringles.

The horror...

Where's Columbo, though?

“Je-sus Christ. Son of a-bitch”

The only known combination of words to tame the greasy wopbeast

Not saying Ant isn't weird, or a creep... but going to bed with the TV on is pretty common.


I used to do it, now it’s the opposite, I can’t sleep with one on

You're not gonna believe this, my friend... I used to not do it but now it's the opposite. Can't sleep without one on!

I actually used to fall asleep to O&A when it was on the air as a young college lad. It really worked wonders allowing me to enter my slumber in fits of girlish giggles rather than stare at the ceiling and ponder my inevitable death and the infinite darkness!

His dad watches him from heaven when he is giving sue a blow job.

Im saying ant is a faggot lover.