Dennis Falcone is walking around Sirius doing stereotypical Asian accents

76  2018-06-12 by Dennyislife

The man knows nobody can fuck with him.


*Big Dick Denny

They call him "Horse - the booty killer."

*Piss God

Fuck off with that slave name that tits tried to force on him.

Denny is a good boy.

Sirius is his bitch.

they thought they'd stump him by asking him to say it on the show, he did it fucking ten times. dude is high test, jim and sam must feel like complete pussies.

meanwhile they're doing 15 minutes on troy's nipple surgery.

Troy getting his tits frozen off is something worth having a talk about.

A caller asked for more info for his pal Gregg so the audience clearly reacted.

Yeah I was typing that comment right as the caller got thru, that was great tbh

Lookie, lookie miss cookie!

I heard Sam had his wife come into SXM few months ago, and there was an incident during commercial break.

Sam went to his office area, opened door - Denny had Sam's wife on the desk, she was taking the pounding of a life-time.

Denny just stared at Sam with dead eyes...without breaking stroke, daring the creature Stan Robert's to say something. Sam quietly closed door and went back into studio.

Denny definitely gets blown before the jacuzzi.

He's trying to loosen up the squares inhabiting those 2 SiriusXM floors.

Denis is Lord.

I agree

Pisslord go in Cum Town.

Can u not bring that gay fag shit here

Denny regularly uses the term "colored".

As he should

I'm sure opie Jr is trying to have him fired behind the scenes.

Well they are playing it as show promo on rawdog...

Management love the bit. Its being used as show promo on raw dog.

I have it on good authority Dennis Falcone regularly beds the Lynsi Hughes & Jessica Roberts.

Fucking guy talks shit during it - using that stereotypical Asian accent.

Did this happen today? When did it happen on Jim and Sam?

Yes. Check their Twitter. They posted a photo when he came on.