Enjoys Life More Than the Average Person

0  2018-06-12 by RoundImage4


That black lady face says it all.

You have not unlocked this character yet.

what black lady?

I'm glad this sub is finally getting around to ripping this guy.

”So you know guys, the best thing about your dad dying is 9/11 is that you get free sympathy and career opportunities for the rest of your life.”

I'm sick of that too, to be honest with you. All those relatives of people who died in 9/11 clogging up the comedy scene.

They'd all be forgotten were it not for my David!

An Amazingly unfunny twink that should be thrown off a building Iranian-Style, but this faggot IS gaming and winning the system:

1) Dated Larry David’s kid, broke up, huge meltdown on social/tmz media, made news everywhere

2) Hillary tattoo, got front page coverage everywhere, even on Pornhub there was a link to it (allegedly)

3) dating another attention grabbing pig that gets headlines

So now give me a link to his achievements in comedy, apart from “youngest cast member of SNL” or “dad 9/11”

This guy is good

Ugly, unfunny faggot makes career in comedy and bangs rich young strange. Good for him.

I enjoy being able to not execute actions as soon as they pop into my head.

Just a stupid lookin fuck head. Fuck in retard.