He sounds like a 13 year old. Any bets he just learned the word “detractors” this week?

7  2018-06-12 by RBuddCumia


Having no meaningful connections or interests in life and seeing death on the horizon, the elderly cumia continued to obsess over politics until his timely death this year by an accidental overdose.

Cumia, a convicted domestic abuser, leaves behind no immediate family.

The only major direct influence on my life politics has ever had is they took free milk from schools so we had to go without and they let the Polish in so I could fuck three of them. Other than that its all just noise. Its gossip for people who feel reality TV is beneath them. ( unless your really poor and then it does play a bigger part)


I uh don wanna bomb anymore, ULRITE?

Says the high school dropout who got noticed for a racist song parody.


Yes. I would take that bet at any amount. Trust me... I’m not a ball washer by any stretch... but to question Ant’s linguistic ability is a bit silly.

Now if this was Tits we were talking about... that’s a whole other story. Any long time listener remembers hearing him many times say a normal 8th grade word followed by a brief pause and then “.... is that a word?” followed by a nervous fake laugh.

The worst part about blindly partisan dunderheads like Ant is that they are not even able to comprehend the opinions of anyone who disagrees with them. They demonize all dissenting voices.


6/8 made it past the comment filter so far. Keep an eye out for that in these somewhat political threads.


It's another empty statement. He is a politics hole.

I hope Ant made the same fawning statements when Obama met with Castro. I'd hate for him to be racist AND inconsistent.