Ok, which one of you did this?

0  2018-06-11 by MAGAUSA1776


Be more funny

Do you actually think this hasn't been posted many times today?

I searched for "formerly obese unfunny dredge" and it didn't come up.

Classic shitty reddit search function

It's on the front page, 3 times under "newest", you fucking faggot.

Something has really got you riled up today mr. poopy. Take a chill pill.

You're right, with Danny gone (for now) the only person left on this sub I have to bully (who deserves it) is LoouisCuCK. I need to bully more nerds and faggots or I get super angry.

You're really on a crusade today.

The fuck is a dredge? Isn't that what you do when you are trying to find a dead body in a lakebed?


I am really starting to hate theater stand up comedy.

"Did I need help from any of you people in my life?" They bought 50+$ tickets to your 1 woman show.

i'm a babblin cunt yeah well ur a babblin dick

Faggot, this is the 6th time that link has been posted today.

As a great comic once said "the only thing stopping you from getting seriously hurt, is my restraint"