What was Bonnie trying to prove by doing worse versions of her own jokes while dressed as a man? why did she cry after she bombed? didn't her point prove that shitty male comedians don't get a pass just because they're men, isn't that a good thing?

118  2018-06-11 by ThcBlueAwning

Was she crying because her experiment failed?



What’re we talking about?

Vos’ wife made a movie called “women aren’t funny” it’s on Netflix still I think. In one part she does her act disguised as a man and she bombs. Then she cries.


What? What’s got ya laughin’ babe?

That sloths not only can swim, they're excellent swimmers.

Why would she upload that when it goes against the point of her stupid movie?

So she completely failed at showing that women are funny and yet she still included that part in the documentary? What a fucking idiot.

Jesus that set sucked.

I've only watched it once and it was many months ago when this shit was on netflix. It was so cringeworthy that I can't even sit through it again for the sake of it. It truly was a work of magic how poor and wrong women's comedy instincts are.

If anything it proved that women comics are given pity laughs, when objectively their comedy isn't as funny if it comes from a man

There's no such thing as something being objectively funny but I think I get your point.

There is such a thing as objectively unfunny. Such as Bonnie.

Farts are objectively funny.

Bonnie is filled with Estrogen and is Neurotic. She is crying constantly... she married an old POOR jew. She IS the retarded sister!

Nice plot twist, stupid.

Vos is wearing Reina's entire college fund on his fat sausage fingers. He's not called RICH for nuffin.

Fat sausage fingers? I thought he had little dainty baby hands

For a moment she stepped over the line and got a glimpse of what it really meant to be a man in a man's world.

Not the backslapping, carte blanche, patriarchal old boys network (((the media))) had her believe but a cold, harsh place where one is judged entirely on their competence and no one cares about your problems or wants to hear your complaints.

It frightened her and made her thankful she was born without a Y chromosome, yet angry that she had never had a genuine reaction from an audience before.

That or she's just an overly emotional idiot.

Why not both?

When was this? Where can I see it?

her documentary "women aren't funny"

She was still crying from when Pat Dixon said her sister should be in a cage. That, and the fact she isn’t funny

I figured it was a bit they were doing.

Female comedians have an even shorter expiration date than their ovaries.

If you have a snatch and say something funny in you're 20s/early 30s, enjoy it because that's it.

If you have a snatch and say something funny in your 20s/early 30s, enjoy it because that's it.

I dunno, Roseanne is funnier than ever

She was always a fat mess. She got similar treatment to men, aka she actually had to become funny.

Roseanne is a guy, a funny one.

That Planet of the Apes joke was kinda dope.

The crying was fraudulent, it was to create a moment of doubt in her very scripted documentary. Notice she says the title when the crocodile tears come out "I don't care if people don't think women are funny!".

And it was in that minute I realized... this truly is... No Country for Old Men.

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on, we're going to survive. Today we celebrate our independence day!

Louie... Beansch I want my money!

It truly was a shawshank redemption

"Let's get a picture to remember the day we spilled the tears..."

Kaz..We are truly Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain...

and didja see that sharks...JAWWSSSS

what are you, aliens? on some kind of... Star Trek?

I said the exact same thing and got downvoted. Even used "crocodile tears." Anywaids...completely agree, obviously.

Do not put it past Vos and Bonnie that they don't script every motherfucking cough even. They are soooo fake. They both are awful

When I think of Vos & Bonnie, I certainly think of two people intelligent enough to script every motherfucking cough.

Good point

Why would they script a scene that basically shows that women only get laughs because they're women? Wouldn't they script something that proves women are just as funny?

In the video, it shows when she goes outside to cry. She starts to say something like "Yea but I just thought..." and you know she wanted to end her sentence with "if I told my same jokes as a man I'd get so many more laughs than when I tell them as a woman."

Of course, she can't claim that, because she fucking bombed and nobody cares about gender if you're funny/unfunny enough: they either laugh or leave you hanging on stage.

Now she has to face the fact that she legitimately isn't funny. It's great because the intro song to the "My wife hates me" podcast is clearly her creation since it just shits all over Rich.

Where to watch?

I get that nobody likes Bonnie here but I don't think this is serious.

Also, did anybody in the crowd actually think she was a man? She has an incredibly feminine voice. And did a very weak job of disguising it. They were probably very shocked at how that type of voice was coming out of a person that looked like a man.

That a woman that has worked alongside countless male comedians of all calibers thinks that it's some kind of magical patriarchy that's holding female comedians down is fucking pathetic.

What a RETARD!

I’ve had enough! Rich, were leaving now.

I've never seen the movie and didn't believe this was real. So I looked it up and sure enough this actually happened. Her execution was so poor and literally the entire thing seemed staged. What an embarassing peice of media to have your name on

When did she do this? Can someone link me?

Here's the thing...

She thought her material stood on its own whether she was a woman or not. it did not

The one variable she never considers is that she's simply a terrible comedian.

ME: where we at with the Bonnie's naked ass?

Vos heard the boo's from the backstage and washed makup off his face and took a dress off.

She is an unfunny stupid cunt and vos is a dildo

this is a clickbait thread. it's designed to make you feel like your opinion is wanted and to give it upvotes

congratulations OnA users, you fell for buzzfied tier jew advertising written by danny ross