Norton giving insight on mental health is like...

20  2018-06-11 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

Stevie Wonder trying to juggle knives while describing a sunset.


Someone trying to do something they are very bad at

You're doing it! You're doing it! (mom running behind you as you take your first solo ride on a guys dick)

You should change your username to your real name + unfunny fag.

No you should.


Take it, bitch.

Dis fawkin guy could teach the destroyer a thing or two.

Now that's what I call comedy. Bravo.

Sam trying to walk upright. Bob Kelly trying to fit through a garage door.

Anthony Cumia describing a 28 year old's labia.

ewww is that hair

Anthony Bourdain trying to breathe

Too soon

Stevie Wonder is faking it.

Look into it.

So you're saying Stevie Wonder could look into it too...?

You know, it's hard dude, I mean like.... sigh.... have you looked into a 10 step program?

Anthony Cumia writing security protocol for the TSA

The Cumias running a clan meeting

Ant providing coverage for well-balanced breast implants

The Opester meeting with (unpaid) friends.

Too soon

Now that's what I call comedy. Bravo.