ENORMOUS get for TACS this afternoon!

41  2018-06-11 by unclepaul84


i want him to give me a sad blow job

I just realized I look like the sex bagel, weird.

my nigga nagel

Erock Army Nigga!!

OF COURSE that down's syndrome re-re watches/collects merch for Doctor Who.

What Manbabies collection of Manchild swag wouldn't have merch for a show specifically marketed towards 13-17 year old girls. I'm just waiting for him to wear a MLP shirt and then claim on twitter that he's doing so ironically (he's not).

And Harry Potter, and WWE.
You know you're in trouble when your most mature taste is The Simpsons.

I'd argue that Harry Potter is more mature than the simpsons, but what the fuck do I know?

I don't have a g-g-g-good brain.

I was wondering how long it would be before Landau brought the wife in

Hoagie in my mouth

Suck it.

Marching, Marching!

That photo's a couple of years old; you can tell because both his eyes are still pointing forward.

it's also about 140 lbs ago.

Erocks on 🙃😉 I’ll actually listen.....his contract with Sirius is up in July I wonder if he will talk shit about Opie soon.......But it looks like he may have made up with him so....

You want me to fuck your ass? Go in your mouth? Ooops. I’m in your pussy.

You could park a car in between those eyes.
A car that's delivering the results of his Down Syndrome test.

Nigga drank himself some extra chromosomes.

They seem to be migrating to the sides of his head, like a prey animal.

It will be +2 hours of Anthony trying to relate a pull some info and Erock being coy and deflecting to some good ol' times story we heard a million times.

But I bet he'll do some Opie blasts for the money shot.

You might think you're joking, but I'm looking forward to hearing/pirating this.

I thought dinosaurs were extinct.

That's cool and all, but he's no Cronut Guy.

That's cool and all, but he's no Cronut Guy.

That's cool and all, but he's no Cronut Guy.

I think I see what you did there.

I think.

Will Nana have to keep him in the pool? (Insert whale noises)


I wonder if Ant refused to let him in because he liquid shit down the back of his pant legs.

I fucking hate e-rock so much. I get that you're a bunch of autistic morons but I still can't believe how many of you actually like him.

Slabbo!! -Rolland (the fattest motherfucker ever) toward Erock.


Wow, that's huge! Well done Anthony!

Is he shitting.

it's also about 140 lbs ago.