Like Morton, Luis J Gonzales is a bald failed stand up comic who hosts a MMA show with a former champion fighter. His is actually quite entertaining though and is one of the best in the genre. Morton doesn't even have surface knowledge on fighting. Sad.

0  2018-06-11 by CrozzCat


Yeah? Why won't you post that in the LOS sub, tough guy. See what happens.

What's LOS?

Morton would never agree to fight another man. He is no real ass dude

Rogan 100% held the door open for him. Only a matter of time before the ungrateful inner dumbfuck alcoholic turns on him too.

Oh is there comedian beef? Maybe Lil Jimmy will release a diss record

le doy gracias a dios que el maricon ese ya no viene por aqui

Did the Jews decide joking about any Sirius hosts is anti-Semitic now? What gives with the codewords? Is this the 9th level of O&A fanfag hate?