Jimmy just claimed he nearly hit CM Punk when he greeted him at a UFC event

109  2018-06-11 by Dennyislife

"I thought he was a fan and he had a beard"

So don't take tough guy Jimmy by surprise if you meet him.


Could have been CM punk's first and only win.

at the Unfed Faggot Championship

Tss do an Egg White and Mustard Piledriver into him tss

The stipulation can be a "loser leaves sobriety"

Jimmy is the biggest joke in the mma universe.

Seriously, he has the ability to train with Matt, renzo or Marcelo Garcia and is too big a faggot to just step on the mats. Which would go a long way in giving him a bit of credibility with the fight world.

I've said before that Jimmy would benefit greatly from going to any number of top notch NYC jiu-jitsu gyms. He'd get an actual workout, feel more confident, and get to hold men close without trying to mask his feelings.

He doesn't have what it takes to train in BJJ. His ego is way too fragile.

I think this really is it.

Jimmy doesn't go to training sessions because he's afraid he'll be influenced by thier moves.

That and the erections.

The guy apparently gets paid a hefty wedge off the UFC for the podcast, misses episodes regularly and barely watches the fights. Either pretends he does and has the worst input ever or uses the excuse he can't because he's on stage. Luis and Bisping do a much better job on Believe you me.

hefty wedge

Fawk yeah, holdin' doors open and shiznit.

UGhh no if you were matt, Reno’s, Garcia would you wanna roll on the ground with this disgusting little wormy faggot who would more than likely get a boner due to rolling with you? Sparring yes but on the ground hell no.

Jimmy is probably scared that he would get a boner with all the alpha guys subbing him.

"Jimmy aren't you going to tap?"

"j-just a second" blinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblink


Jimmy is the biggest joke in the universe. FIFY

Jimmy is the biggest joke in the multiverse.


Who's a bigger joke, Jim to UFC or Sam to WWE?

Dick sucking jim hanging around a bunch of actual retarded alphas.

So Jimmy is to MMA what Sam is to WWE. It’s all making sense.

Not so. Sam is actually very knowledgeable in WWE, and it genuinely interested. He doesn't pretend to like wrestling to be in with a crowd.

He really is a wwe twink

Yeah, Sam knows about it, he's just really gay.

Jim is also really gay, but his passion for MMA is completely phony. Sam fucking loves wrestling, even people who hate the guy (everyone) has to admit that.

Sam fucking loves wrestling, even people who hate the guy (everyone) has to admit that.

That's actually a substantial part of why I hate him. Fuckin' tendie-eating wrestling-watching in-your-late-30s zilch.

I agree completely. I'm just saying it's an inaccurate comparison to say Sam and wrestling are like Jim and MMA. Sam gives a shit, Jim does not.

The level of fantasy this 50yo man lives in is something never seen before.

Don't say such things, he'll get an 18 year old supermodel who'll love him for him, damnit.

You mean mentally ill Chaturbate "model"

perhaps not even that

Grown men who have the supermodel as wife fantasy are delusional little queers.

That’s a tough one man,on one hand I’m a fake,no nothing MMA fan and on the other hand I’m a shell of a man that edges to tranny porn....sniff

If Jimmy were to read this, I think the sniff would hurt him the most.

Nice "no," stupid

I'm a big boxing and UFC fan. I listen to a lot of shitty podcasts about it. I don't listen to Morton's because it's basically Matt Sera trying to carry the show, taking to the off mic producer about fights because Jim either 1) didn't watch it 2) clearly pretended to watch it 3) watched it and didn't understand it.

All Morton does is talk about how he's tired, make the same jokes about being in the closet or repeat the same clichés about them looking like a "real problem" or asking the same two questions to guests. Male: what's it like knowing you can beat anyone up? Does your girlfriend love it? Female: what kind of dude do you date?

85 dollars to see him do standup in tampa.

Nice neutral ass response from him on the Schumer thing. Can't even just say "she's my friend and I'll have her on."

It's CM Punk vs. CUM Punk


Jimmy would be picking skull fragments out of his knuckle meat

why would he be afraid of a beard? they're all he's dated, outside of trannys

When I think of ultimate fighting, I think of cheeky 90 pound, cum-eating bisexuals, who spends his days falling in love with chaturbate transsexuals and asks other men to put him in holds.

Yeah, that sums up most of the fighters.

For some reason I read the title as "Jiminy just claimed..."


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Imagine what a punch from his 90 pound faggot ass would feel like hahaha

I feel like he's the kinda dude who hits someone and then instead of the person immediately retaliating they just look at Jim confusedly for a couple of seconds. "Why would you do that, you stupid, stupid elderly twink?"

He thinks Bobby D is Robert De Niro and doesn't know it's Robert Duvall because he's a dumb fag.

You mean hit on him right?

Let’s call this for what it is. The mma community cant stand cm punk, so this was jimmy’s way on hopping on the bandwagon by saying “I almost hit him because I thought he was a fan.”

I could be overthinking it though

Memba that time Jimmy was a tough guy?

I mem-... wait, I don't memba!!!

Jim is a real problem. Wouldn't want to tangle with him!

Two straight edge queens

He says "he had a beard" as if that's the distinguishing quality between fighters and normal folk.