REMINDER: The Youtube channel "Cellar Crowd" has shamelessly stolen and profited off of funny poeple's content through excessive ads and clickbait titles.

106  2018-06-10 by SpaceCaseBassFace

Much of the content is from the Opie and Anthony radio program, although the troubled duo are seldom mentioned when their content (much of which already existed on Youtube) is stolen by this mysterious and undoubtedly man-titted plagiarist. I really fucking hate the way he's furthered the "FAWKIN BROOTAL" mystique of that stupid fucking table and the comics that worship it. He even had merchandise at one point, which leads me to believe he's one of (((them))). I opened one of this morbidly obese, penny pinching, cretin's videos on my phone by accident once and the amount of ads this fucking Heeb puts on his "content" is truly staggering. Throw him down the well.


This is how you run a good scam, Danny Ross.

They’re waiting to sue him. Let him make all the money first. Then sue him.

Anthony is also wanting to get Sue'd.

yeah man they're gonna make bank on all that cellar crowd t-shirt money

Sounds like they're smarter than any of the actual cellar crowd.

Nice intellectual property, stupid

this is a crime and we must band together to pursue justice. or put your vagina away and shut the fuck up because this doesn't matter one bit


He probably made more money off the YouTube channel than Patrice and all those comics ever made from Sirius or podcasting.

The Vos Roast will be available soon and then oh boy will you eat your words, pal.

He even had merchandise at one point

This is the most insane part.

Wait, you don't use an ad blocker? You fucking fag.

I do use ad blocker, sir. I was on my phone when I noticed the ads. I hardly ever use my phone for YouTube so I don't have adblock on it.

if u don't have adblock on your phone you might as well flush it down the toilet right to the hackers

Whenever he posts something I want to see, I do the research and if possible watch it from another channel. Him and Saiyan are only slightly less jewishly opportunistic than the kikel Danny Ross..

It's probably Danny

at least hes taking it from "da man", unlike the people that would run an internet scam

that dude is a scumbag leech

So kind of like how everyone does including here.

I'm not Norm and a lot of other channels do the same thing. I'm only pissed because I thought about doing that to sell merch years, but decided against being a worthless cunt. Dude prolly makes a fair amount from retards.

Perhaps more than that.

Von ID'd whoever this was once. It's a failed comic iirc.

Is he monetising the stuff though? Surely you can’t get paid just for uploading a clip of Ant and Jimmy riding without commenting/critiquing it in some way.

I noticed this as well. I put them on the pay no mind list.