What a lovely couple.

117  2018-06-10 by RBuddCumia


Jesus Bill.

He chose this fucking thing, fuck him.

Patrice used his black magic on billy, cursing him to only fuck ugly black cunts.

I'll never understand why a high-status man would choose to be with a woman so far below his league. Looking at you, lennon.


They still have the beta mentality the had before the were successful.

Can you imagine fucking that? Wife is ugly, too.

I wonder if she calls him a cracker and throws the remote at him a lot.

you really fucked up spelling shit.

sorry about that

Her hair probably smells bad

Implying it's not fake.

Her hair is probably 6-8 inches long because of negress fashion, she's gotta have her hair did a different way every couple of days and for that she gots to have wigs and weaves ya'll.

rope generally doesnt smell

I'm sure the tennis fans are going to love her sassy and loud commentary.

Oh hail nah gurl that's 2 love right dare.

With that horrible fake hair blocking the view

Nice literal pile of shit hair and cooked glasses, stupid.

Lady Di glasses.

No, no, my glasses aren't cooked.

Nice typo, stupid.

They're just old glasses, that's all. What's the big deal?

RIP Patrice

Disgusting gummy smile.

As Patrice would say, she's got dolphin teeth

She looks like the prehistoric Patrick Star

Tsss the tennis court matches Bill's pubes

This is KRS ONE

in school they never taught about hamburgers or steak. Elijah Muhammad or the Welfare state, But i Know, Oh But i know, I know because of KRS ONE.

Oh man! Hahaha hilarious😂😂 you know song lyrics!! lmaoooooo! BWAHAAHAHAHA this guy gets comedy!! Kudos to you lmao

I want you to Chester Bennington yourself

Make awful music?

That and live an excruciatingly depressed faggot life before killing yourself.

Hahaahahaaaaa some of you guys have soooooper dark and filterless senses of humor!! Sheesh i just can't keep up!😂

You should try using another emoji, it might bail you out and make you look unaffected.

Hahahahahahah you leave no stone unturned!! You're fuckin good😳😳😳

If you keep pretending, someday even you will believe it

Oh man does your knowledge know no bounds?? Dark and edgy sense of humor (suicide jokes in a very Nortonesque clone type of way), AND cutting psychoanalytics! Teach me the way ol wise o&a sub dweller one🤔

Your attempts at humor sound like a horny female trying aggressive dirty talk. In a word, it's humiliating. I think if you keep repeating the same words over and over again like edgy maybe someone will vote up one of your comments.


My bad, i struck a nerve with the norton clone thing. I wasn't saying that you lack your own personality so you go online and use other people's made evident by your constant presence in a sub about a radio show that hasn't been around in years or anything, so you can relax dude. You really do make biting and poignant critiques of civilians like myself, and aimlessly referencing Chester Bennington and the end of his life wasn't snuggling dork edgy at all.🍻

If you type up another paragraph of the same exact insult you've no doubt used before because you saw it work on Wackbag 10 years ago, it will finally do the trick and end this painful experience for you.

"Sniffling dork?" Now where have I heard that before, Jimmy Jr.?

Idk I'm sure you remember everything you've ever heard anyone from the o&a show say considering that's your life's blood and the only thingyou have to make you feel like you have anything. But maybe I'm just projecting

That was such a lightning fast reply for somebody who clearly is above all of this and definitely doesn't post on the exact same web page all day long. I've seen your name enough times to know how gay you are.

Look i didn't want to hurt your feelings but you engaged me pal. Ok?

Don't try deescalating your own embarrassment now. I know you're such a non-edgy guy what with your Anthony Bourdain suicide jokes on the edgelord subreddit for Adult Swim's most edgelord millennial show MDE.

You are going to give yourself hemorrhoids if you keep perking your asshole open at the mention of 80's Christian Rap group Run-DMC and then subsequently tearing up and backing away when you're made fun of. Grow some test and get out there chap, you'll find someone who will want to smile at you someday.

Lmao says the Norton clone. I was pointing out what a piece of shit a guy is by killing himself when he had a young daughter! You on the other hand, were being a Norton clone. And what the fuck are you even talking about run dmc dipshit? You belong on this sub day in and day out

You remembered to add "Lmao" to show everyone you don't care, but you forgot the silly Cumia-like emoji this time. Do better in your next attempt and at least add another accussation of theft from Norton which is theft of Colin Quinn by proxy.

I may belong here, but you will never escape here because you're not even good enough for this shit hole. Go back to your Cartoon Network page and explain your conduct in depth again, guilty conscious.

Bitter sarcasm is the best kind! Let's pretend we're laughing and that's the only joke!

You've built yourself a fun little online persona on here haven't you? Youre all full guns blazin ready to say all the cool things in the o&a sub. You should tell me to get aids already 😝

Your plain, vanilla attempts at sarcasm are signalling to every reader that you've got absolutely nothing left in the tank. From comment 1 you were just doing your little "WOW YOU'RE SOO COOL WOW YOU DO [THING I DON'T LIKE] WOW" and you thought people were going to laugh along with you at that minimal effort queer person activity.

I understand my attempt at fake sarcasm wasn't as edgy as your out of left field Chester Bennington reference o&a sub regular

It's not about being edgy or out of left field, it's more about actually trying to post something that has some kind of a point. Your comment lacked one because it was neither funny or interesting, so I mocked you and your emotional bitch response was to go with every little trick in the O&A Super Fan handbook.

What's worse, posting with the same account on 1 sub, or making a new account constantly just to post on the same sub like you do? How exactly do you think this is going to go when you're trying to mock someone for posting on your own favorite website?

Sorry I know edginess makes you uneasy, my little friend. I know you hate poorly crafted edge which is why you definitely don't like Sam Hyde and post on his fan website constantly along with Opie & Anthony's.

Just how much do you fucking hate yourself that you pretend it's the reason you hate others? Not to sound like a Redditer but you'd ruin any party you ever went to if they had ever invited you.


It's always best to go with the "I have no idea what you're saying" defense when you knew you were being mocked and why. It comes off very well.

Hey smart guy, i honestly don't know the run dmc reference you're making

On second thought I'm actually certain you are too stupid to understand when and why you're being mocked, you timid idiot. Thank you for finally surprising me by being even dumber than I expected.

Youre so fixated on sounding the part that you use words just to use make sounds! I get as filler calling me an idiot, but timid? Just at a loss for adjectives or what? You can never be Jim Norton

You really like to pick something to focus on and then beat it into the ground with no further explanation or added facts even after having it clearly demonstrated for you that it didn't apply.

It's called being a stubborn and insufferable person, you would probably get along with Danny Ross. Sorry, I didn't mean to reference someone who you know of. I know it would be in poor form to do that because you definitely hate O&A and MDE and all of the stuff you like because you're afraid of how you might look.

I actually liked o&a. That's why i found this sub, cuz there's some actually funny shit. Chester Bennington references and wishing depression and death on people is just far from that and is just one massive JimNorton impression. Even you could admit that

Here let me clean it up for you and make it more sincere. I want you to be dead and I want everyone you know to be free of the anchor that is your existence. Consider it less a joke and more a self help thing.

See what i mean? An internet edge lord who impresses himself with impressions (which he denies are impressions) of the guys he obsesses over day after day! Look forward to seeing some more of your work. Maybe you can tell someone to go fall into a pool of cancer or something like that

I like O&A and everything but you guys are just rude! You can be funny without being hurtful you know! We don't need drugs or ladies to have a good time right fellas??

Just shut the fuck up and go back to the one and only quasi-political site you visit that doesn't have anime all over it.

You living on this sub really has you thinking the only reason you're not at the cellar table is cuz you just never got into stand up! Its not the rudeness of your sense of humor that's caused this, but your own belief that your sense of humor comes off as anything but a wannabe dork


Damn, maybe I should rip off your style instead of Toast! It's like MAGIC!

Not onl are you an edgelord Norton wannabe, you also intentionally fool yourself with YOUR OWN strawmen to soothe your own damaged ego. Remarkable

If you just pretend that it isn't true, maybe everyone will just leave you alone?

My confidence has skyrocketed speaking with you. Thank you for that at the very least, because the posts were a chore to get through.

For what it's worth, you do one hell of a Jim Norton impression

For what it's worth, it takes a bigger faggot to see Jim Norton in every instance of humor than it does for you to do impressions of him and then attribute it to others.

Do your Sam Hyde next, idol worshipper.

Hahaha fuck you're funny as shit in a "i stay on the o&a sub all day, week, year long pretending I'm the boys from the show" type if way! Be honest, how much of your paycheck do you blow on prostitutes?

About as much as you probably make in government assistance because you're too afraid to call a business to set up a job interview, nervous internet commenter.

Oh damn, we have more projection going on don't we


Address the fact that you spend all your free time on a sub about a show that's been off the air for years? Nah there's no way you're projecting

Say "projecting" again, and address the fact that you post on every single website that you're currently trying to make fun of someone for posting on. You are doing it on the website.

Every single website that I'm making fun of? Yes one. This sub. The one that is your entire life! I had never seen Sam Hyde in my life until long after i found that million dollar extreme sub! I didn't even know what million dollar extreme meant! I go to that sub for the content, which rarely has anything to do with sam hyde. You're little safe haven tho Has one subject and one subject only.... Day in, and day out

Don't worry buddy, you can always delete this account and start over like you do all the time judging from your history.

ME: I don't even fawkin know who Sam Hyde is to be perfectly honest wit ya. Why would I even check that shit out?? You're fawkin ripping off Lil Jimmy

You should explain yourself in detail to show me how much you don't care, it works wonders you panicking fucking idiot. And you wonder why people call you timid? Hit me with another one of those smiley face emote icons.

Damn dude I've never seen such a case of projection.

Let's back up a bit

I want you to Chester Bennington yourself

This was your first response. Edgy, but i played along with the following

Make awful music?

You see? Light, no attempt at edge-lording. Then you follow up with this gem. You really convey the monotone unimpressedness of a sooooper edgy Norton impersonator with this one! Straight to the point, fuckin raw and uncut! Watch it!

That and live an excruciatingly depressed faggot life before killing yourself.

I accurately retorted with the following

Hahaahahaaaaa some of you guys have soooooper dark and filterless senses of humor!! Sheesh i just can't keep up!😂

You then went on with a long series of projections trying to avoid the fact that your entire life revolves around the o&a sub on Reddit. Very edgy of you

I know you were perusing my history because you took a little snoozie 5 minute break from your usual instant internet sleuth replies. The fact that you think Jim Norton has a monopoly on the word "" is why anyone reading this can see you're getting desperate to defend your own honor. Just give up already. You must be tired of typing the word "edgy" in yet another last ditch repetitive effort to get the last word.

Thanks for the play by play replay and breakdown, you should do an analysis of what made you into such a boring vanilla fruitcake next complete with quotes from all your teachers and classmates.


Then you follow up with this gem. You really convey the monotone unimpressedness of a sooooper edgy Norton impersonator with this one! Straight to the point, fuckin raw and uncut! Watch out!

I almost cannot believe that you typed out this James Norton cosplay while trying to say that someone else is "stealing his essence" like Dane Cook tried to pull off.

You are astoundingly bad at this.


This is all a very accurate description of you, and that is what you're trying hardest to deny

As for the other stuff, It seems that you're so heavily entrenched in the o&a world that you can't imagine any form of criticism that doesn't some how relate back to it.

I've read through all of these and can't even piece together what underlying point you were trying to make throughout this whole thing, but you're right and I appreciate the dedication to the bit.


You just don't care if you say mean things to the people who care most about you, do you?

I calls em like I sees em. And you, sir, were being a massive Jim Norton.

Lol in what way?

I calls em like I sees em. And you, sir, were being a massive Jim Norton.

Nice East Side Dave costume, stupid.

Nah ESD's marriage was somehow less humiliating

is nia photo shopped? he could be fucking like kate quiggly at the very least.

She looks like one of those turtle slaves that follow Bowser around


Missing a letter....

tss gotta go check out lost and found

He seems to like her.

The most troubling part.

Look like she done got her hurr did.

Ignore, for a second, what a despicable, unlikable person she is. Focus on the looks. She is a fucking abomination. Name a redeemable quality

She knew Patrice. I honestly don't think they would've lasted if not for that, and he kind of wanted children.

I think he moreso wanted to prove to his father that he wasn't a homosexual. Regardless, there must have been a more attractive less cunty womb hanging around

he's a famous, wealthy comedian. he could've chosen from a number of younger, hotter. less cunty holes.

He could ha e fucked Aisha Tyler. He's a fucking fag idiot.

The relationship wouldn't have lasted unless she knew Patrice? How does that work?

A lot of times you stay with somebody just because you share memories.

That's fucking retarded

It is, and it's true.

I'm not gonna stay with a woman to remember my dead friend.

He has many other friends in his life that he can do that with.

That's you. I've been married over ten years. Even breaking up after three years is hard. Plus, I think he married her bc she was with him pre-fame, and wanted to stay grounded. He's a totally different person around her. And his comedy sucks now.

Everything in your comment is irrelevant to the point. There's no way he, or anyone really, would stay with someone so they can share memories about their friend that passed away. That's completely ridiculous.

"Hmm, I was going to break up with this women, but she knew my friend who died so I'll stay with her" - makes no sense.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm dumb, maybe Bill just likes ugly, bossy, women more than his own people.

Ron Howard and Jay Z

oh cool I never knew burr was gay

I love the gays

We know.

Racial mixing is wrong.

I wonder if he cries at night to himself

"Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it."



Excuse me sir, apes aren’t allowed near the court

So funny

Between the Lions

Around blacks, NEVER RELAX!!!!!

When I step up in the place, you know I step correct. WOOO- HAAAA!!!


She's Busted Rhymes

nice to put a face to the fucking annoying voice that ruins his podcast.

I stopped listening because of her.

She is the most annoying person ever

same...it wasn´t a conscious decision, but I found myself listening to it less and less until I stopped altogether.

He would always be on a really funny rant and she would come out of nowhere and his tone would change or she would change the subject.

It was kind of a novelty at first but then she would be on literally every one but the ones when he was on tour.

It was annoying but I tolerated it for a while.

*Then * she started showing up 20 minutes in and she would stay the whole time and I tapped the fuck out.

She's worse than a radio hole in a shitty morning zoo show from BFE

Or he’d say “wait I gotta get nia’s take on this” or so shit. Then scream NIA!!!!!! He actually didn’t ever need her take

I stopped too. Only people I know that still listen are casuals on YT. He had to have noticed a dip. And this woman is uglier than I realized. I follow her on her on twitter. She has a blue checkmark, and a bunch of shitty short films she directed on Vimea. Of course they're B&W.

Stop following it on twitter. Stop twitter.


Not me. I stopped listening as soon as I found Gilgore. His rants are way better.

Ay its the lovely nia click

There's no way she could have looked any different based on the voice...

I really cannot tell what is Photoshopped on this sub anymore.

Bill is gonna end up hanging himself with her hair.

She literally looks like a pile of shit with sunglasses put over it.

🕶️ 💩

Anyone Love Overbites??

He misses Patrice soo much that he married his exact physical likeness

This bitch has made a hat out of dogleads...who knew subhumans could be so creative.

Wake up with whoopi

Someone tell Billythat's ilegal.

Jesus fucking christ...

Those are particularly awful looking weaves.

Good for them. I won't bash them just bc I'm lonely.

That's sweet

Bills looking at that guys dick .

All black women kinda look like Frank Thomas.

She hit the lottery. But she'll still treat him like shit.

Predator-lookin' ass bitch.

Dr dre ruined my favorite comic


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Bill Burr and Shannon Sharpe

Who the fuck is downvoting any negative comment? Lots of Nia fans here I guess.

Is this photoshopped?

u/AnthonyCumia comment?

You think she's still a solo day drinking alcoholic?

why the fuck is everyone in this photo wearing white? wtf is this shit


This just got too real.

Losing half your wealth via divorce would be a bargain if it meant being rid of the likes of her. They've got to have one fucked-up looking swirly kid.

Bet the kids adorable. Ugly interacial couples always make cute kids for some reason.

Yeah, especially when one is a ginger. NOT!

Lola. He named her after a song about a tranny.

Bill Burr’s a true professional. Become comedian, and marry a black woman for the jokes

Still waiting for the jokes...

Nice crooked glasses, stupid.

Nice giant purple gums, stupid.


Why would someone with Fame, power, and money Mary at all let alone this fucking mouthy troll. I mean I could see if she was some kind of saint but she's not funny, she has a terrible personality, and quite frankly sounds like a pushy asshole. I would love to know how much self-hate it took for him to marry this cunt.

Doody head

Nice rope hair.

, stupid.

Whoopi Plus One

Nice definition of "lovely", stupid.

Unlike most of the third Reich members of this sub, I find black girls sexy as hell. That said, regardless of race, nia is an objectively ugly woman.

Beetlejuice's older sister

I'm more offended by his sudden post 40's love for F1

Ted Danson is looking good for his age.

She may look happy, but apes actually smile when they're terrified.

She's baring her teeth as a sign of aggression.


Why did you do this?

hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha what a fucking ape


user reports:

1: Zoophilia & bestiality. Miscegenation. Looks smelly. Rope Hair. Lazy & entitled. Rude to waitstaff.

I think I would rather fuck Bill.

her sunglasses aren't crooked if you follow the teeth line

Oddly Serena Williams wasn't on the tennis court that day!

Nice I'll fitting glasses you succubus

Yep, she contributed to that trip.

Going all the way with the guilty white guy thing, huh, bill?

OMG, ist that the lady who owns Tom&Jerry in the early episodes?

She doesn't so much smile as she bares her teeth to keep predators at a safe distance.

BJ and the Bear! I used to love that show!

She's so cheap she never lost her baby teeth

If you keep pretending, someday even you will believe it

We know.

You remembered to add "Lmao" to show everyone you don't care, but you forgot the silly Cumia-like emoji this time. Do better in your next attempt and at least add another accussation of theft from Norton which is theft of Colin Quinn by proxy.

I may belong here, but you will never escape here because you're not even good enough for this shit hole. Go back to your Cartoon Network page and explain your conduct in depth again, guilty conscious.

Bitter sarcasm is the best kind! Let's pretend we're laughing and that's the only joke!


It's always best to go with the "I have no idea what you're saying" defense when you knew you were being mocked and why. It comes off very well.

Every single website that I'm making fun of? Yes one. This sub. The one that is your entire life! I had never seen Sam Hyde in my life until long after i found that million dollar extreme sub! I didn't even know what million dollar extreme meant! I go to that sub for the content, which rarely has anything to do with sam hyde. You're little safe haven tho Has one subject and one subject only.... Day in, and day out

You just don't care if you say mean things to the people who care most about you, do you?

I calls em like I sees em. And you, sir, were being a massive Jim Norton.

I'm not gonna stay with a woman to remember my dead friend.

He has many other friends in his life that he can do that with.