The morning after the night before...

203  2018-06-10 by SpudsCuckley


Too many road sodas brothaman.

Check out the empties, maaaaannn

Clive Pelton killing it for us today on twitter.

Aw shucks.

Ubons Barbeque, located in Mississippi, occasionally traveling to NY for food festivals.

So basically, Opie and Carl bothered these poor vendors for hours on end. Poor people just wanted to get their food out, and these needy attention whores had to show up.

Friends for life brothaman

so his BFFs will be gone and never see him again for the foreseeable future?

They will get too big for the show

I saw the photo Opie posted of his new BFFs, they’re already way too big.

Would not be surprised if tits tried to get their opinions on IPAs and they probably called him a faggot.

We jump straight to hate crime down here.

Oh, Clive!

Oh, McGowan9! You sill goose

I picture Opie repeatedly refreshing twitter to see if they’ve replied yet.

That and clearing the DVR of missed View episodes. Sounds like a pretty nice Sunday morning for Tits.

Got eem

Jesus Christ...

Give it a week. "We did the right thing by Ubons. Made 'em huge. Got too big for the show now."

Opie just got roasted after that barbeque or sump'tin, tss tss tss

Ha ha ha holey shit!

"At the cellar of Udons Barbecue LAUGHING MY ASS OFF"

Clive is a beauty

He never responds to comments about his "wife," which means they must really slap his tits the wrong way.

How quick did he block you after he read that?

u/mcpelton comment?

I’m not blocked yet. He most likely has me muted.

I was blocked for years before the mute feature, then somehow unblocked now I'm blocked again. I've never tweeted at him before.

Check out the empties, maaaaannn