The best part of the Louis thing was that he's been talking about masturbating in front of women for years, it was never a secret

85  2018-06-10 by fish_flower

Retarded women, women on the phone, I'm pretty sure he even had an episode about it.

He loved masturbating in front of women since childhood and has talked openly about it for years. His dumb fucking luck, by the time he finally "made it" in hollywood, there was a movement that decided it wasn't ok, even though what he did was totally ok.

I do think he deserved the punishment for becoming so faggy at the end there. A great man lost.


He's funny, and a great writer/producer/director..

But, it's always nice to see a big ego humiliated.

I truly believe that he was threatened with it being revealed earlier, which is why he so heavily backed Hillary.

Another person who really pushed Hillary: Patton Oswalt. What might he have to hide?


Do ya?

So, what other boring speculations do you have to offer, you gossipy hen?

we really need to clean house of all the alt-lite T_D rejects on this sub. I can deal with the unabashedly reactionary white nationalists/western traditionalists on the sub, at least you guys have a self-consistent and time-tested ideology steeped that I can relate to as a leftist extremist. But if the extent of your political awareness is thinking that Killary Pizzagate Clinton had to blackmail milquetoast Hollywood liberals like Patton Oswalt to support her, you’re a fucking mouthbreathing doofus and the sub has passed you by.

Fucking rubes.

Show-business liberal supporting the liberal candidate

Probably just to cover up their own bad behavior

Who the fuck else were they gonna support?

Mickey Mouse would have been good

^ lol this guy watches CNN


Chapo fag gtfo


not him

There are sooo many soundclips of him saying it. He really did leave alot of stuff laying around to use against him. Silly sock.

I wish I had the skills and resources to put together a compilation

I wish Louis had the balls to own the whole thing

All famous sex offenders have a urge to brag about it

Cosby did a bit on it, Jimmy Savile wrote about it in his book.

Amy Schumer gleefully regaled us with the tale of her sexual assault on a cab driver

He'll be back and fine

Lauren Michaels was all like, won't be seein' him no more...

His name is Lorne.

*Corn Michaels

If he didnt shill for Hillary at the end maybe he'd have people on his side.
Thats how he probably lost a big chunk of his "real" fans.

It really worked out beautifully.

This scandal came just in time after he finished pretty much his 'fuck you' to all his long time fans that built him up in favor of the social justice mainstream.

Nice timing Louie.

Didn't he have a documentary about faggot gangsters coming out just before "I Love You, Daddy?"

Fuck louie. He lost all respect after kissing Hillary's ass on national tv.

I hope he regrets becoming woke.

To be fair she's a mother

The most difficult job on the planet

He said he showed his dick to a girl with down syndrome.

That's worse than asking before showing two 30 something comics

30 something jews*

They started politicizing this on twitter because while they know women aren't really bothered much by it, the fucking begging-politely-to-be-touched white knights are completely enraged hearing about it and will do things t give them power.


do you always mimic lil Jimmys phrases or just today?

One word isn't a phrase

I was actually watching his "Comedians in Car Getting Coffee" with Seinfeld and they went out on his boat (which si a beaut BTW). He said on it that he could not afford this boat then when we was at height of success. I wonder how finances are for him now...

When he was still an unknown comic he also bought a 1200 dollar trumpet which he couldn't afford and never played it.

All he needed to do was masturbate and he could have saved $1,200.

Didn't he end up masturbating on the trumpet?

Yes. Yes, he did.

I think he could. That’s definitely just a bit from when he first bought the boat.

We need more louis, except for that fucking sad, gay show with unfunny people at a bar. Horace + Pete and hebrew shecklers or some shit. Fuck that show into a grave then smash it with a guided drone bomb from the space. I hope when he comes back it will be unbridled and relentless with no boundaries. Just fucking awesomeness without any care.

What else do you hope?

Dave smith will hang himself a USB cable in his motel room.

The saddest thing is that he might not even be capable of funny anymore. I saw him at the Village Underground in August and he had become totally unrelatable. He had 5 minutes on not taking pictures with fans and a bit about embarrassing his daughters at a pride parade by pulling the celebrity card with some cops.

He hasn't been Louie in so long that he forgot how to play the character. Hopefully all of this destroyed his self-esteem to the point where he'll never be comfortable guy again.

I was hoping this would get him depressed and funny again but apparently nah.

August was before the fall from grace.

I read an interview with him when Louie ended and he said he ended it because that is no longer who he is and he "doesn't have have stories for that guy anymore". Unfortunately bits about private jets don't fly (tssssss).

Say have again

You don't just become a raging liberal faggot and not have it ruin the rest of your personality. Once he went down that road, it was game over.

Nice hot take. People made this point repeatedly back when it was actually a topic of discussion.

Can you lead me through the thought process that led you to make this post?

This is not the subreddit for you.

Thank you. That may be the most profound compliment I have ever received.

Yet you're still here sniff

There is an episode of Louis where he talks about his dick, and the conclusion I drew from that is he’s just a fat ugly faggot who’s been questioning his dick his whole life. I don’t think he’s some malicious almost-rapist, but just a half autistic dude who doesn’t have common sense when it comes to interacting with people.

na the best part is him denying his nature and origins to cozy up to the showbiz left and acting like an artist/Compassionate Caring Man only to have the hypocrisy blow up in his face

Can’t believe anyone ever took the side of a skirt claiming rape cause a guy jacked it over the phone.

If what Roman Polanski did “wasn’t ‘rape’ rape,” then this shit isn’t even “ra”.

It definitely wasn't rapity rape rape.

Louis CK was the only one that asked permission first. Yeah, its fucking weird, but if they said no he didn't do it. And before those bitches ever complained about him he had already apologized, long before this me too bullshit. They just did it for attention.

I truly believe that he was threatened with it being revealed earlier, which is why he so heavily backed Hillary.

Another person who really pushed Hillary: Patton Oswalt. What might he have to hide?

not him

Amy Schumer gleefully regaled us with the tale of her sexual assault on a cab driver

The most difficult job on the planet

Yet you're still here sniff