Check out Adam Smith over here.

15  2018-06-10 by RBuddCumia


Yes... noted anti-communist Adam Smith, that died decades before Karl Marx was born.

He probably just meant to say that Ant knew a thing or two about economics, in an ironic way.

Tiresome literal folks on here.

I apologize, I shouldnt have brought that kind of negativity to this sub.

You shouldn't bring anything to this sub.

Someone has to defend Adam Smith

Can it be literally anybody else?

Adam Smith will defend itself, as if typed by an invisible hand.

Yes, pretty much. Being that he’s regarded as the father of modern economic, I thought people would get it.

Both the people in this tweet are fucking idiots

Welcome to CumiaWorld.

USSR was a communist country in the sense that the stated goal was to achieve communism some day.

In 1961 Khrushchev promised the people "communism in twenty years". It didn't happen and in the 70's they pretty much stopped even seriously talking about that.

According to wikipedia:

In Marxist thought, communist society or the communist system is the type of society and economic system postulated to emerge from technological advances in the productive forces, representing the ultimate goal of the political ideology of Communism. A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access[1][2] to the articles of consumption and is classless and stateless,[3] implying the end of the exploitation of labour. [4][5]

Soviet Union arguably had none of those basic features of communism. Many people think the USSR was actually mostly a type of state-capitalist system, like China is today.

nobody asked dickwad

Communism was the transition period towards communism because you need to change the people. To live in a society of no hierarchy you need to educate the masses and purge the internal undesirables. That's why purges and gulags are a fundamental step on the pathway to communism, so to separate the 2 is semantic if you define communism as a utopia where everything just magically works and everyone inexplicably gets along perfectly.

Друг, перестань быть идеологом и помни что Джо Кумия платит детям плевать ему в рот!

rEaL cOmMuNiSM hAs NeVer bEEn TrIeD

Look at the big brain on Edgar!

I wonder what Anthony's criteria is for "All the features"?


They were white. That's one up on him.

twitter is the most embarrassing revelatory device in history.

its weird to think how social ,media was the downfall of opie and anthony independently

"this Saturday"

Old man Cumia really thinks of himself as a media powerhouse.

No one cares that you're pointing out to someone that it's the weekend, cunt. It's not witty and it certainly doesn't make you the Fox News workin' man.

Marx would’ve looked at the mid-20th century American economy and said we were pretty close to what he was advocating.

Not at all.

Marx was primarily interested in calling bullshit on economists who tried arguing that what's good for the industrialist was good for everyone.

He would've seen in 1950s Detroit, Bethlehem, Akron, etc. environments in which the work week had been limited, safety standards were enforced, fair compensation, and labor and management counterbalancing power for a compromised good.

Bunch of nonsense. Marx expanded Ricardian labor theory of value, as the Marginal Revolution hadn't even occurred yet. He specifically predicted, as a direct consequence of his own model, that capitalism would inevitably lead to the impoverishment of the working class and eventual erosion of profits.Conditions would become so bad that the proletariat rises up and seizes the means of production. All his predictions turned out wrong.

Communists are somewhat respectable, because if you refuse to work in the factory or farm the government designated for you, they’ll just throw you in prison or kill you.

Socialists on the other hand, don’t even want to “seize the means of production”, because they don’t want to work. They only want to redistribute the wealth from labor and wealth from capital from some bureaucratic position. Can’t let their hands get dirty.

Communists take you out of your home, line you up kneeling on the sidewalk, and blow your brains out.

Socialists complain on the Internet.

At least the former got shit done.

I expected more Opie-bashing "eppa-tome" comments.

Governors’ PR person needs to make sure these tweets don’t happen anymore.

everyone knows your refrences are off the hook

everyone knows your refrences are off the hook