I’m still sane!

46  2018-06-09 by RBuddCumia


Whoa-hoh, look out! He's WILD!

*Only 3 followers?

U trolls sure R pathetic

BACK 2 obscurity 4 U!!!!*


There are so many types of decent microwavable food. Why always pizza roles?


Dont forget his go to pizza roll comeback.

That guy is wrong ,ant is right he's never been balanced. Hes always leaned towards the cock and balls.

He really is a self-obsessed faggoty valley girl goomba nigger

Ant pretended to be balanced when his racism was "haha holy shit just a character *rings racism bell*"

Anthony was never balanced but his racist tirades were kept to a minimum when Opie was around to keep him in check.

This is very common with Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome - you forget massive gaps of your entire life, mirrors need to be kept out of your room so you never find out how much time has passed, because if you do, a horrible reaction happens that may turn into violence, like kicking a girl in the ribs.

It's very obvious when you listen to that giant 60 hour "Weird News" compilation somebody did on YouTube of all the news stories they did over the years. Pre-2010 Anthony was funny and would ring the "inappropriate bell" when he wanted to make a racist joke about a news story that involved black people but kept the jokes going. A few years into Obama's term and any time a news story involving black people happened he would instantly just start going off on some tirade about how much black people are ruining society and actively stopped the humor in the news riffing.

I hate how his answers are always made up to show that he has a lot of fun schooling you on something he is an expert on and also that he gets to have the last laugh.

He lives for that shit.

I'm insaaane!

I'm insane.

My use of freedom of speech is insane.

stop reading his twitter and getting angry over it you dumb faggot. or if you do keep it there dont post it here