He’s such a dumb fuck.

22  2018-06-09 by RBuddCumia


Wannabe white guy says not enough non-Whites being incarcerated/executed, just so he tries to blend in

shill-bot 9000

I'll take the Karma hit... ANT IS RIGHT!!!!

Holy fuck you’re a retard then. Show me how the number of executions by other countries is statistically significant compared to the US.

The only industrialized country that's even close is China, but we still dwarf them per capita executions. Ant is just reverting to his horrible Arab death-worshiping lineage when he calls for more honor killings.

Just to clarify, you're being downvoted for being stupid not defending Ant. Also dont make arguments if you're not gonna elaborate.

Just to clarify, I am racially aware and a sadistic fascist. Stupid would be letting the slaves run a business.

Ya know, old school fascism was better than this pussy racist fascism.

It's an insanely stupid comment. But what he could have said was that other countries don't lock their criminals up. For instance, Brazil has 60,000 murders per year. And that's not counting rape, robberies etc. Yet, they only have like 500,000 prisoners. If countries like that actually locked their criminals up, then America wouldn't be anywhere close to 25% of the world's prison population.

I wish they did around December 2015

It brings a smile to my face to hate ant so much

what did you do with the groceries?

Notice how all the faggots who want to be "tough on crime" are never talking about their crimes?

It's almost as if they think they are magically superior to other people due to some arbitrary measure such as skin color, financial stability or political affiliation.

Maybe they assume everyone is as rotten as them.

What an absolute fucking bore this man has become.

Unless its China, only the repellent dictatorship of North Korea and totally savage and backwards nations freshly ravaged by war like Iraq, Iran and Libya do capital punishment and judicial killings.

America's capital punishment rate of about 25 is laughably low but still one of the highest in the world because few countries and fewer First World Western Nations even have capital punishment. Even 19 out of 50 U.S. states don't even have capital punishment and we still have one of the highest rates of capital punishment in the world because over 100 nations don't even have capital punishment.

You can easily find this out with 5 minutes of internet searching. Holy shit. Ant, put the Bud Light and Xanax down for 5 minutes before you make a fool out of yourself on Twitter for time number 10,000.

He’s a fag tho, he would be executed in those countries also

I wish capital punishment was invoked when you bit a young girl while hammered on natty ice

"Plenty".... lol

Anthony wants Sharia law.