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25  2018-06-09 by RBuddCumia


Twitter comedy is the fucking worst

This is not offensive. Love Ant.

It's offensively bad.

One word, one meaning. Just as simple as yourself.

Anthony Cumia native of New York. Foreign terrorists crashed airplanes into buildings in your city. What was your reaction?

I fought in Afghanistan and am not native of New York or the United States . Don't hang your head in shame. Just hang yourself. I didn't put MY life on the line so you could do third rate Dice impressions and spew racist abuse at people who you are genetically closer to than me

You syrup niggers don't even have attack helicopters

Am British, and we had a Prince in an attack helicopter destroying terrorists in Afghanistan. Top that

We just never bothered with fantasy land titles in the first place

His grandma has an army. What does your grandma have?

A real job.

Crackwhore may be a real job where you live...

You degenerate, my grandmother was a saint on eart.

Now apologize, please.

Apologise, never. Your grandma is dead. For a reason

Your grandma is dead. For a reason

Typically people don't live to be over 100 years old.

I hereby declare that u/Drumchapel is a scandalous miscreant who has no honor.

Harry has no blood relation to that German woman you referenced.

A real Navy

clean hands.

Upvoted for syrup niggers.

I second that notion

Congrats on being canon fodder for the Jews. You really think the conflict after 9/11 had to do with defending the homestead? That's hilarious.

You realize this makes you stupider than him, right?

For all his horrible existence, you're risking your life for it.

And that's the noblest interpretation. You didn't "fight" in afghanistan, you murdered mud hut farmers to protect rich jews' lithium sources. Get off your high horse.

Rich Jews is like saying dirty niggers, stupid.

You’re the idiot who put his life on the line.

Do real men scare you,?

This man is still hilarious, no question

carcrash.wav carcrash.wav carcrash.wav carcrash.wav

theres a person! theres a person stranded!

you use yer mouth perdier than a ten dollar whore

well tanks fer nuffin!

da-da da

Posed pic, but takes nothing away from them fucks. They would lose more in a day than we would lose in a year ... of course, effectiveness of trauma treatment has increased exponentially

Subscribing to that page is the extent of his historical research, by the way.
"I'm very interested in things. I educate myself."

He's still lost i see

He should be charged with war crimes for this abomination of a tweet.

I get it but I had to really think aboot it.


I'm starting a media empire in my basement studio if anyone is interested in more hilarity like this. Only $14.69 a month and with very few sponsored reads.


the more neat thing is they took German weapons and gear. The Fallschrimajaeger helmet is slimmer and nice than theirs, and the MP-40 is nicer than any Sten gun.

I notice that a lot in pictures of soldiers from WW 2; especially English forces.

The soldier with the overcoat is a paratrooper as that is the standard paratrooper helmet of the British Commonwealth forces.

This is as bad as anything Kelsey Cook tweets minus the nice tits.

Lol! People from other places talk differently! It's funny because it's true.

it was a booo in caen.

One word, one meaning. Just as simple as yourself.