Dice actually did something pretty fucking hilarious during his shitshow of a movie, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990).

10  2018-06-09 by nikolam


Nice budget TV, stupid. Did you kill your son for it?

If that brand is good enough for our most famous child murderer, then it is good enough for me.

That’s the line

I liked Gottfried in this movie, but Al Bundy fucking sucked.

Not a fan of Booty Time?

This movie is anything but a shitshow. Pure cinema bliss.

nice vizio, snapperhead

Is that Booger?

Do you mean Charles deMar from Better Off Dead? No either way, it is Gilbert Gottfried.

Curtis Armstrong, yes?

Nice closed captioning, stupid. You must be deaf as well as dumb, because that movie is great.

Hahaha! This guys uses closed-captioning. What a fag!

Motel 6 probably won't even report that TV stolen.

I like when that little kid comes up to him and says he’s gotta talk to him about something and Dice says “Yeah, what is it, premature ejaculation? Agooooosh!”