Chip is ruthless. He convinced Dave to raise his unborn child. One day the lil big chinned bastard will know who his real father is.

7  2018-06-09 by StutterinPrickYou


A chin is going to burst out of her womb like a fucking alien parasite


That kid's going to have a chin and nose that meet in the front.

Fuckin' Hapsburg baby.

Historical Birth defect humah'


Didn't she learn anything from the pisslord.

You don't announce a pregnancy in case there is a miscarriage.

Is this amateur hour?

Same with Erock. It was mentioned once and never again.

Christ, could you imagine Dave Smith being your father? Poor lil nigga

"Mommy, why that man make bowing noises?"

im sure this all ends well.

Dave's only real income comes from LoS. Which will probably end within 2 years. Nice future planning fucking stupid.