Anthony Bourdain is dead, long live the king!

47  2018-06-09 by Suibu


Really is there a difference? CNN should snap him and Opie up. I already have the name for the show... "Tasties!" Everyone will think its about Food but really just some fucked up creeps shouting catchphrases!!



"THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!" (peels out of a parking lot in a porsche but cautiously breaks at the intersection)

Carl Kurlan

We should point out the resemblance more often.

Is that his ex-wife's shirt?

Fawkin' burried 'im

CCR cool carl ruiz

I don’t understand why they’d put a car on top of the World’s Biggest Douchebag trophy.

What is the trophy for?

Sucking dick.

More like cheat year.

cheat lifetime

What a monumental waste of space.

His wife’s new lover is using that grill nowadays after he gets done destroying her jokes in ways Carl never could.

You know that comments like this legitimately sound gay right?

I’ll add to it then. Suck my cock.

He would seem much more likable to me if he didn't think drinking was cool.

If he was just holding a 40 in a party snap, fine, we've all been there. But he posed for this, getting the bottles juuuust right.

Fucking insufferable

Look at that fucking slob. No wonder his wife left him.

A smoker, a glutton and an alcoholic? What a catch! One at a time ladies!

She just couldn't keep up with his fast paced celebrity status lifestyle.

Life in the fastlane.

Life in the fatlane.

Triple bypassing all the slows

He's no Sherrod Small

He looks like he'd be a hoot on Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

I dont get Carl. Is the bit that he's a bad chef?

His grill is almost taller than him

There is no way this comment should have had a down vote. Carl is definitely here.

poor guy, he tries SO hard

Ha what a crazy shirt

there is something wrong with this man mentally.

Who the fuck wants to indulge that much?
I may be a bit of a Jim Norton, but a glass or two of whiskey and one burger and I'm donesky.

Ascetic Albert over here

god the liquor bottle cigarette and 40oz are so forced I wanna mash his fat face into that grill.

Whoa! Not every day you see a self-appointed chef grilling pre-made patties and hot dogs.

Fawkin' burried 'im

Triple bypassing all the slows